Climate change - activities

Greta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate, Helena Gualinga animentGreta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate, Helena Gualinga animentGreta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate, Helena Gualinga animentGreta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate, Helena Gualinga animent

Greta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate, Helena Gualinga host "L'Activisme fait Bouger les Lignes" in Paris

Greta Thunberg, Vanessa Nakate, Helena Gualinga lead a conversation on climate activism at the Théâtre du Châtelet on June 22, 2023.
Réouverture de 17 boutiques du centre commercial Les Passages de BoulogneRéouverture de 17 boutiques du centre commercial Les Passages de BoulogneRéouverture de 17 boutiques du centre commercial Les Passages de BoulogneRéouverture de 17 boutiques du centre commercial Les Passages de Boulogne

Global warming: air-conditioned stores obliged to close their front doors

To fight against global warming, the City of Paris and several others have issued a decree obliging air-conditioned stores to close their front doors, under threat of a fine, to prevent higher energy consumption.
Environnement : la pandémie de Covid aura un effet "insignifiant" sur le réchauffement, selon l'ONUEnvironnement : la pandémie de Covid aura un effet "insignifiant" sur le réchauffement, selon l'ONUEnvironnement : la pandémie de Covid aura un effet "insignifiant" sur le réchauffement, selon l'ONUEnvironnement : la pandémie de Covid aura un effet "insignifiant" sur le réchauffement, selon l'ONU

Environment: the Covid pandemic to have an “insignificant” impact on the global warming, the UN says

Despite the coronavirus crisis and restrictions related to the lockdown instated in several countries across the world, the planet is still headed towards global warming up to +3°C (37.4°F). According to the UN, in the long run, the pandemic will only have a “negligible” effect on climate change.
Confinement : le mouvement Fridays for Future lance un stream live de 24h le 24 avrilConfinement : le mouvement Fridays for Future lance un stream live de 24h le 24 avrilConfinement : le mouvement Fridays for Future lance un stream live de 24h le 24 avrilConfinement : le mouvement Fridays for Future lance un stream live de 24h le 24 avril

Confinement: the Fridays for Future movement launches a 24-hour live stream on April 24

Environmental movement founded by the young Swedish Greta Thunberg Fridays for Future has announced a 24-hour live stream this Friday April 24, 2020, two days after the 50th Earth Day. Goal of this virtual event? Keeping on fighting against global warming and raise awareness about environmental issues.