Charlotte Campana's La Femme Bocale, directed by Laura Ghazal, combines humor, self-mockery and emotion at Théâtre Le Bout in Paris, from September 19, 2024 to February 20, 2025.
Carmen, the world's most performed opera, is reinvented by ballet artist Julien Lestel in an original, feminist adaptation. Presented by Théâtre Libre, the ballet will be in Paris for just a few days, from April 9 to 20, 2025.
Comedian Elodie Poux's show, Le Syndrome du Papillon, will be held at the Dôme de Paris from March 28 to 30, 2025, for three never-before-seen performances!
Marie S'infiltre returns to the stage with her audacious Culot show at the prestigious Zenith de Paris to close out the year in style, on December 21, 2024!