Concert hall - activities

Le BataclanLe BataclanLe BataclanLe Bataclan

Le Bataclan, one of the standard-bearers of Paris rock history

Le Bataclan is a legendary concert hall in Paris, closely linked to the capital's rock history. Located in the lively 11th arrondissement, it remains an iconic venue on the Paris music scene.
La Seine MusicaleLa Seine MusicaleLa Seine MusicaleLa Seine Musicale

La Seine Musicale, a concert hall and cultural hub on Île Seguin

In Boulogne-Billancourt, La Seine Musicale stretches across the Île Seguin, offering a year-round program of astonishing concerts and cultural events.
Cerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit PalaisCerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit PalaisCerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit PalaisCerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit Palais

Terraces and cultural places to reopen in France: different scenarios on the table

This is a new step the French people are highly anticipating: the reopening of the terraces of bars, cafés, and restaurants, as well as of museums and monuments, movie theaters, and show venues. For now, all these places are closed to the public because of the resurgence of the Covid-19 epidemic in the country. But the government has started considering several possible scenarios to reopen these places progressively. What are leads on the table? Keep reading to find out more.
Visuel Musée d'Art Moderne de ParisVisuel Musée d'Art Moderne de ParisVisuel Musée d'Art Moderne de ParisVisuel Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris

Covid: Roselyne Bachelot wants no vaccine passport to enjoy cultural places

As the government is trying to reopen museums soon, Roselyne Bachelot has stood out against instating a vaccine passport for people to enjoy cultural places.
Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant

Coronavirus: what are the closed public places facemasks are mandatory in?

Facemasks are now mandatory in closed public places from Monday July 20, 2020 in France. Health Minister Olivier Véran shared the list of places concerned. Here there are.
Ouverture prochaine du 360 Paris Music FactoryOuverture prochaine du 360 Paris Music FactoryOuverture prochaine du 360 Paris Music FactoryOuverture prochaine du 360 Paris Music Factory

The 360 Paris Music Factory: a new, committed and innovative music venue

The Barbès district is preparing to welcome the ambitious 360 Paris Music Factory project, a complex entirely dedicated to music and driven by the values of transculturalism and diversity!