Customization - activities

MinimeLand - IMG 2703MinimeLand - IMG 2703MinimeLand - IMG 2703MinimeLand - IMG 2703

MiniMeLand: customize your vintage denim jacket in a colorful and unique concept store

Welcome to the home, not of Alice, but of Marie Marquet, where color and one-of-a-kind vintage pieces reign supreme, at MinimeLand! A cheerful boutique-workshop where you can customize your jackets, hats or sneakers without getting bored for a single second!
Home of Sport Adidas - IMG 1321Home of Sport Adidas - IMG 1321Home of Sport Adidas - IMG 1321Home of Sport Adidas - IMG 1321

Home of Sport: Europe's largest Adidas flagship on the Champs-Elysées, what's new?

The Adidas store on the Champs-Elysées has relocated and reopened its doors on three floors dedicated to sport and lifestyle, with two exclusive areas: a customization workshop to spice up your shoes and jerseys, and the ZZ Suite.
Midnight Garage FestivalMidnight Garage FestivalMidnight Garage FestivalMidnight Garage Festival

Midnight Garage Festival returns in Paris for its 4th edition

Calling all 80’s, motorbikes, fashion and art fans! The Midnight Garage Festival is coming back on October 5 and 6 for its 4th edition in the Bastille neighborhood!
Atelier Kiwi, le pop-up store dédié à la basketAtelier Kiwi, le pop-up store dédié à la basketAtelier Kiwi, le pop-up store dédié à la basketAtelier Kiwi, le pop-up store dédié à la basket

Atelier Kiwi, the pop-up store devoted to trainers

From September 13 to 16, 2019 Atelier Kiwi offers you to come and get your own trainers customized at its pop-up store; and to discover a free and exclusive exhibition on the same occasion!