Cyrano de bergerac - activities

Edmond d'Alexis Michalik au théâtre du Palais Royal Edmond d'Alexis Michalik au théâtre du Palais Royal Edmond d'Alexis Michalik au théâtre du Palais Royal Edmond d'Alexis Michalik au théâtre du Palais Royal

Edmond by Alexis Michalik at the Théâtre du Palais Royal in October 2024: our review

Edmond, Alexis Michalik's third play, premiered at the Théâtre du Palais Royal in 2016, is still running at the Théâtre du Ier Arrondissement. After more than 5 Molières awards, the play returns from October 11 to December 22, 2024.
Cyrano au Funambule Montmartre Cyrano au Funambule Montmartre Cyrano au Funambule Montmartre Cyrano au Funambule Montmartre

Cyrano, extended to May 4 at Théâtre Lepic

"Cyrano", after its success on the Funambule Montmartre stage, is now on view at the Théâtre Lepic, until May 4, 2024. To play the part of our big-nosed hero, women and, for an unprecedented atmosphere, candlelight, commedia dell'arte style.