Black Legends, the musical comedy celebrating 20th-century black American music, returns to Paris. The show, which has already attracted over 200,000 spectators, is extended at the Théâtre Bobino until April 26, 2025.
Disco music is coming to Paris in a brand-new exhibition at the Philharmonie de Paris from February 14 to August 17, 2025. It's a chance to revisit the history of this musical movement, which was born in the United States over 50 years ago!
The Fête de la Musique returns this Friday, June 21! Discover musicians, singers and DJs on the streets of Paris for an evening. For the occasion, the bar Le Carillon invites the Panic collective for a disco/house DJ set.
Madame Arthur's Cabaret is a must at Parisian parties. In this crazy cabaret-clubbing venue, where we vibrate to the rhythm of French songs, we enjoy a hyper-vitamin program inspired by drag shows, honoring iconic artists and movements. Find out what's in store for the coming evenings!
Parisian nights with a legendary disco vibe are back with Disco Break, which makes its grand opening on Friday, March 10 at Club Haussmann. The event promises to thrill fans of disco and 80's music with an exclusive set by Jeff Cortez, the iconic disco DJ of Parisian nights, as well as exceptional performances throughout the evening. We have a promo code for you!
Stop mourning the Batofar and discover the Bateau Phare, its successor! While the boat reopens its doors at the end of the year, enjoy its beautiful sunny terrace, amazing cocktails and world cuisine menu throughout summer 2019.