Dock b - activities

Douze Paris, la nouvelle halle gourmande du 12e Douze Paris, la nouvelle halle gourmande du 12e Douze Paris, la nouvelle halle gourmande du 12e Douze Paris, la nouvelle halle gourmande du 12e

Douze Paris, the 12th arrondissement gourmet market

Douze is the food court that will open its doors at the end of March 2021 in the Reuilly Diderot eco-neighborhood. Covering an area of almost 1,000m2, 10 regional artisans have taken over a former military barracks to offer their quality products: bakers, fishmongers, charcutiers, butchers, roasters, wine merchants, cheese refiners and greengrocers have all come together in a gourmet hall to compete with supermarkets. A restaurant by Pablo Jacob, former chef of Le Bel Ordinaire, and two large terraces will be on hand in fine weather!