Extended solidarity fund - activities

Les Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurant

Restaurants to fully reopen on June 15 in Paris and Île-de-France

Restaurants, cafés and bars reopened this past Tuesday June 2 in all departments, but have only reopened their terraces in orange areas. In his new address on June 14, French President Emmanuel Macron let the people know that "the entire territory", excluding Mayotte and French Guiana, will be green starting tomorrow. Consequently, restaurants and cafés in Paris and Ile-de-France can reopen from Monday June 15, 2020.
Visuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la TournelleVisuels Paris - Notre-Dame Pont de la Tournelle

Coronavirus: the Ministry of Culture launches a contingency funds for performing arts

To protect the show business sector from the economic crisis, the State, the City of Paris, the ASTP and the Adami came up with a contingency funds for performing arts. This funds applies to unsubsidized theaters, private tour organizers and performing art companies hit by confinement.