Galleries - activities

Art Paris 2020 en version numériqueArt Paris 2020 en version numériqueArt Paris 2020 en version numériqueArt Paris 2020 en version numérique

Art Paris 2020 returns to the Grand Palais in September

The 2020 edition of Art Paris, the springtime rendezvous for modern and contemporary art, has been turned upside down this year. First postponed, then reinvented online, the annual fair is back for good at the Grand Palais, from September 10 to 13, 2020.
Visuel Paris Grand PalaisVisuel Paris Grand PalaisVisuel Paris Grand PalaisVisuel Paris Grand Palais

Coronavirus: the Grand Palais and its exhibitions from the comfort of your living room

To keep you busy while confined because of the coronavirus, the Grand Palais offers you to virtually visits its exhibition area and invites you to enjoy entertainments and tours available for the entire family. Digital collections, entertainments for children, anecdotes… improve your knowledge from your sofa!