Government spokesman - activities

Aides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel Attal

Antivax: “A very hot-headed and defeatist fringe”, Gabriel Attal claims

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal addressed the demonstrations against the health pass and compulsory vaccination held this past July 17 in France in Le Parisien. He says antivax are “a very hot-headed and defeatist fringe, in minority, who would gladly do with chaos and inactivity”.
Déconfinement au 3 mai ?Déconfinement au 3 mai ?Déconfinement au 3 mai ?Déconfinement au 3 mai ?

Lockdown exit: “no new calendar” at this stage – Gabriel Attal guarantees

As May 3, 2021 – the day Covid-19 restrictions are said to be lifted from – is just around the corner, the executive brings new prospects as for the progressive reopening calendar inspired by common sense. Starting with terraces and cultural places able to – mostly – reopen from mid-May. Cautious, this Friday April 16, 2021 the government spokesman says for now no other option than the one ruled for by the Head of State is being considered. Yet, lifting curfew has not been decided yet.
Coronavirus :Coronavirus :Coronavirus :Coronavirus :

Covid: “The last wave is not behind us” Gabriel Attal reminds

French government spokesman considers the health situation is far from having fully recovered. Even though Covid-19 markers are very slightly decreasing in some areas, Gabriel Attal speaks about a "very contrasted" health situation in France; reminding on the same occasion the third wave of the epidemic currently hitting France has not passed yet. President Macron is expected to present the detailed reopening protocol in the coming days.
Séparatisme : les annonces d'Emmanuel Macron sur la laïcité Séparatisme : les annonces d'Emmanuel Macron sur la laïcité Séparatisme : les annonces d'Emmanuel Macron sur la laïcité Séparatisme : les annonces d'Emmanuel Macron sur la laïcité

Covid: “Lifting lockdown is out of the question” Emmanuel Macron warns

Interviewed by JDD on November 22, Emmanuel Macron is to address the situation in France on Tuesday November 24 at 8 p.m., and said “lifting lockdown is out of the question”.