Health protocol - activities

Photos : Carnaval Tropical de Paris 2022Photos : Carnaval Tropical de Paris 2022Photos : Carnaval Tropical de Paris 2022Photos : Carnaval Tropical de Paris 2022

Carnaval Tropical de Paris 2024, date and program

The Carnaval Tropical de Paris returns to Paris this year on October 6, 2024. This colorful parade takes over the Champs-Elysées avenue at the end of the Olympic Games, with music, dance and traditional costumes representing cultures from all over the world.
Réouverture des clubs et discothèques: pass sanitaire, masque... ce que proposent les professionnelsRéouverture des clubs et discothèques: pass sanitaire, masque... ce que proposent les professionnelsRéouverture des clubs et discothèques: pass sanitaire, masque... ce que proposent les professionnelsRéouverture des clubs et discothèques: pass sanitaire, masque... ce que proposent les professionnels

Covid: Clubs and nightclubs to reopen from February 16

Nightclubs have been closed since December 10, 2021, until January 23, 2022, officially in France. This Thursday January 20, Jean Castex announced nightclubs will be allowed to reopen from February 16.
Aimer bar à cocktailsAimer bar à cocktailsAimer bar à cocktailsAimer bar à cocktails

Covid: health protocol unchanged in bars and restaurants?

As Jean Castex and Olivier Véran are expected to address this Monday December 6, at 7 p.m., Le Parisien daily says the health protocol is to remain unchanged in bars and restaurants.
Pass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortirPass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortirPass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortirPass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortir

Health Pass: the Scientific Committee's two recommendations to get out of the woods

As France is starting another months of restrictions because of the Covid-19 epidemic, the issue about keep the health pass in the long or medium run is on the executive's agenda. This Thursday October 7, 2021, the Scientific Committee addressed two different scenarios for a "quick and even immediate exit" or a "delayed exit" between November 15 and the end of the year. Keep reading to find out more.
Coronavirus : Emmanuel Macron annonce des mesures de soutien économique pour les entreprisesCoronavirus : Emmanuel Macron annonce des mesures de soutien économique pour les entreprisesCoronavirus : Emmanuel Macron annonce des mesures de soutien économique pour les entreprisesCoronavirus : Emmanuel Macron annonce des mesures de soutien économique pour les entreprises

Covid: 74% of employees wish to dith facemask-wearing within companies

As facemask-wearing is to be lifted for people in places subject to the health pass, Labor Minister reminds employees from these places are not involved in this softening. "Facemask-wearing remain the rule in companies", the Minister insists on. A source of frustration for employees, as 74% of them are for the end of facemask-wearing within companies, according to an Ipsos-Sopra Steria survey released this October 4, 2021.
Coronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écolesCoronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écolesCoronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écolesCoronavirus : que dit le protocole sanitaire pour la réouverture des écoles

September 2021's school start: health protocol in schools, junior high schools, and high schools

What is the health protocol in schools, junior high schools, and high schools starting from September 2021? This July 28, 2021, the Minister of the National Education addressed the issue, unveiling the "health framework" instated in schooles and classes starting from Thursday September 2, when school starts again. Compulsory facemask indoor, classes closed only in elementary schools and vaccination non compulsory for teachers; keep reading to find out more.
Covid : vers une reprise des concerts et spectacles debout le 20 janvier 2021 ?Covid : vers une reprise des concerts et spectacles debout le 20 janvier 2021 ?Covid : vers une reprise des concerts et spectacles debout le 20 janvier 2021 ?Covid : vers une reprise des concerts et spectacles debout le 20 janvier 2021 ?

Covid: standing concerts to resume from June 30 in France, Bachelot announces

Standing concerts will resume in France starting from June 30, 2021, Minister for Culture Roselyne Bachelot announced in a press brief held this Monday June 21, 2021 on the occasion of Make Music Day.
Covid : des résultats encourageants après un « concert test » en Espagne Covid : des résultats encourageants après un « concert test » en Espagne Covid : des résultats encourageants après un « concert test » en Espagne Covid : des résultats encourageants après un « concert test » en Espagne

Covid: Paris test-concert, Roselyne Bachelot stands up for the organization

As concerts are at complete standstill since March 2020, many people are wondering when show venues will ultimately reopen. So far, no one knows, but hope has sparked thanks to test concerts. This experiment - called "Ambition Live Again" - has been given the green light from the authorities and will take place this May 29 at Paris Accor Arena. In an interview released this May 17, Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot stands up for the organization of this test concert in the French capital, explaining "Barcelona's is no longer valid".
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Lockdown exit: Casinos to partially reopen from May 19

You can try your luck in casinos from May 19... on some conditions. The reopening of casinos will be completed through steps, as State Secretary for Tourism Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne stated.
Covid :Covid :Covid :Covid :

Lockdown exit: Emmanuel Macron to speak this Friday, Castex announces

While the government confirmed daytime trip restrictions will be lifted from May 3, many French people are now wishing to know when will cultural places and terraces reopen. At the end of the Ministerial Council this April 28, Jean Castex announced Emmanuel Macron will speak this Friday April 30 to present the "prospects" of the new lockdown exit.
Cerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit PalaisCerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit PalaisCerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit PalaisCerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit Palais

Terraces and cultural places to reopen in France: different scenarios on the table

This is a new step the French people are highly anticipating: the reopening of the terraces of bars, cafés, and restaurants, as well as of museums and monuments, movie theaters, and show venues. For now, all these places are closed to the public because of the resurgence of the Covid-19 epidemic in the country. But the government has started considering several possible scenarios to reopen these places progressively. What are leads on the table? Keep reading to find out more.
Le Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénové

Shows over 5,000 people allowed from mid-August: the Ministry shifts focus

Will the performing art world restart this summer? In a press release publish on August 4, new Minister for Culture Roselyne Bachelot says shows gathering over 5,000 people will be allowed by prefects from August 15, 2020, but on some health conditions. Since the release of the decree, the minister has shited focus on some points. Here is more about it.
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Coronavirus: Paris opera house loses about 50% of subscriptions for 2020-2021

Paris Opera house is in a very bad way with a 40-million-euro loss director Stéphane Lissney says. Recovery might be a major challenge, with about half of subscriptions for 2020-2021 being lost.
Le protocole sanitaire ne sera pas allégé dans les écoles avant septembre selon BlanquerLe protocole sanitaire ne sera pas allégé dans les écoles avant septembre selon BlanquerLe protocole sanitaire ne sera pas allégé dans les écoles avant septembre selon BlanquerLe protocole sanitaire ne sera pas allégé dans les écoles avant septembre selon Blanquer

Schools: new and softer health protocol, no more distancing in kindergarten

Following Jean-Michel Blanquer's request to make the health protocol softer in schools so that they can welcome students by the end of the year, Emmanuel Macron announced that from June 22, 2020 "daycares, schools, junior high schools will prepare to welcome all students from June 22 mandatorily and in compliance with normal attendance rules". What are the new conditions to welcome pupils to schools?
Les Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurant

Restaurants to fully reopen on June 15 in Paris and Île-de-France

Restaurants, cafés and bars reopened this past Tuesday June 2 in all departments, but have only reopened their terraces in orange areas. In his new address on June 14, French President Emmanuel Macron let the people know that "the entire territory", excluding Mayotte and French Guiana, will be green starting tomorrow. Consequently, restaurants and cafés in Paris and Ile-de-France can reopen from Monday June 15, 2020.
Visuel Paris Place VendômeVisuel Paris Place VendômeVisuel Paris Place VendômeVisuel Paris Place Vendôme

Containment exit phase 3: what to expect

French President Emmanuel Macron is said to address the country on Sunday June 14, 2020 to assess the managing of the health crisis in France. He is also expected to make some announcements as for measures made by the government to start phase 3 of containment exit said to start on June 22, 2020.
Restaurant Mad Men à Paris, les photosRestaurant Mad Men à Paris, les photosRestaurant Mad Men à Paris, les photosRestaurant Mad Men à Paris, les photos

Restaurants reopening: social distancing, mask… what the health protocol involves

As the government is said to address on the reopening of restaurants and cafés from June 2nd in all green departments only, a common containment exit health protocol for hotels, cafés and restaurants has been disclosed this May 22nd. One-meter distance between each patron, mandatory facemask for staff and patrons if they move around the room… Here is what it is about.
Déconfinement : le protocole à respecter pour les personnes positives au coronavirusDéconfinement : le protocole à respecter pour les personnes positives au coronavirusDéconfinement : le protocole à respecter pour les personnes positives au coronavirusDéconfinement : le protocole à respecter pour les personnes positives au coronavirus

Deconfinement: protocol to respect for people tested positive for coronavirus

This Thursday May 7th Edouard Philippe presented the government’s deconfinement plan to French. Statements have been made as for people who tested positive for Covid-19? Discover the details of this protocol.