Hiv - activities

© Rachid Bellak - Iman Perez, Karidja Touré et Whitney Peak© Rachid Bellak - Iman Perez, Karidja Touré et Whitney Peak© Rachid Bellak - Iman Perez, Karidja Touré et Whitney Peak© Rachid Bellak - Iman Perez, Karidja Touré et Whitney Peak

20th edition of the Dîner de la Mode: Commitments and celebrations in the fight against AIDS

The Dîner de la Mode 2023, a flagship event in the fight against AIDS, took place on July 6 in Paris.
Sida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai clinique

AIDS: several HIV vaccines currently studied

A new step in the fight against AIDS… After researchers from the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI) announced they are launching a clinical trial this past February 25, American research institute Scripps and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative announced, this Sunday April 11, a major breakthrough in their works: they managed to launch the process to make the body creates anibodies able to neutralize a large range of viral strains, HIV included.
Le Coronavirus bien plus mortel que les autres épidémies de virusLe Coronavirus bien plus mortel que les autres épidémies de virusLe Coronavirus bien plus mortel que les autres épidémies de virusLe Coronavirus bien plus mortel que les autres épidémies de virus

Coronavirus much deadlier than other viral epidemics

With about one million deaths in the world, Coronavirus ends up much deadlier than other viral epidemics we have experienced so far. Yet, we are still far from the 50 million Spanish flu deaths, and hope never going this far.