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Free lawyer's offices to help you fill out your tax return in Paris

To help you fill out your tax return, lawyers will be available free of charge on May 11, 2023 in the Paris district offices.
Avocateria, le spot healthy 100% avocat en terrasse, livraison et click & collectAvocateria, le spot healthy 100% avocat en terrasse, livraison et click & collectAvocateria, le spot healthy 100% avocat en terrasse, livraison et click & collectAvocateria, le spot healthy 100% avocat en terrasse, livraison et click & collect

Avocateria, the king of avocado toast in the heart of the Sentier district - permanently closed

Avocado lovers, here's a spot that should make your mouth water! L'Avocateria is a little ray of sunshine in the heart of the Sentier, on rue du Caire, offering a whole selection of tasty avocado toasts.