Mahershala ali

Jurassic World Rebirth : Scarlett Johansson face aux dinosaures de Gareth Edwards : premières imagesJurassic World Rebirth : Scarlett Johansson face aux dinosaures de Gareth Edwards : premières imagesJurassic World Rebirth : Scarlett Johansson face aux dinosaures de Gareth Edwards : premières imagesJurassic World Rebirth : Scarlett Johansson face aux dinosaures de Gareth Edwards : premières images

Jurassic World Renaissance: Scarlett Johansson takes on Gareth Edwards' dinosaurs

Jurassic World Renaissance, Gareth Edwards' new action-adventure film starring Scarlett Johansson, will hit cinemas on July 2, 2025. Discover the first exclusive images.
GREEN BOOK : SUR LES ROUTES DU SUD, gagnez vos placesGREEN BOOK : SUR LES ROUTES DU SUD, gagnez vos placesGREEN BOOK : SUR LES ROUTES DU SUD, gagnez vos placesGREEN BOOK : SUR LES ROUTES DU SUD, gagnez vos places

Green Book, on the Roads of the South, winner of the 2019 Academy Award for Best Picture, now on Prime Video

With Green Book: On the Roads of the South, immerse yourself in a story of unexpected friendship and the struggle against prejudice in segregated America in the 1960s. This moving drama, starring Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali, is available on Prime Video from December 1, 2024.
ALITA : BATTLE ANGEL, critique et bande-annonceALITA : BATTLE ANGEL, critique et bande-annonceALITA : BATTLE ANGEL, critique et bande-annonceALITA : BATTLE ANGEL, critique et bande-annonce

Alita: Battle Angel arrives on Netlix with a captivating futuristic universe

Alita: Battle Angel, directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron, arrives on Prime Video on October 1, 2024 and on Netflix on November 8, 2024. An action-sci-fi film with stunning visual effects, starring Rosa Salazar, Christoph Waltz and Jennifer Connelly.
Blade – Le retour du célèbre chasseur de vampires avec Mahershala AliBlade – Le retour du célèbre chasseur de vampires avec Mahershala AliBlade – Le retour du célèbre chasseur de vampires avec Mahershala AliBlade – Le retour du célèbre chasseur de vampires avec Mahershala Ali

Blade - The return of the famous vampire hunter with Mahershala Ali

The reboot of Marvel's iconic hero Blade has been postponed. This fantasy action film, directed by Michael Starrbury and written in collaboration with Nic Pizzolatto, is set to star Mahershala Ali as the notorious vampire hunter.