Directed by Peter Farrelly, known for his cult comedies , Green Book: On the Roads of the South marks a turning point in his career with this poignantbiopic. Inspired by a true story, the film explores the astonishing friendship between Tony Lip, an Italian-American bouncer played by Viggo Mortensen, and Don Shirley, a renowned black pianist played by Mahershala Ali. Through their journey through the segregated America of the 1960s, the film offers a moving reflection on prejudice, humanity and resilience.
Green Book: On the Roads of the South will air on Prime Video from December 1, 2024.
Synopsis: In 1962, during a time of segregation, Tony Lip, an Italian-American bouncer from the Bronx, is hired to drive and protect Dr. Don Shirley, a world-renowned black pianist, on a concert tour. As they make their way from Manhattan to the Deep South, they rely on the Green Book to ferret out colored-friendly establishments where Shirley won't be refused service, humiliated or mistreated.
Green Book: On the Roads of the South will appeal above all to fans of humanist tales and true stories supported by outstanding acting performances. Viewers sensitive to films such as The Color of Sentiments or Miss Daisy and Her Chauffeur will find similar themes: friendship, the fight against racism and social injustice, and the strength of humanity in the face of prejudice.
However, those who prefer more subtle narratives or those less structured around great universal values may find the narrative occasionally predictable. Despite this, the duo of Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali elevate the film thanks to their sincere and touching chemistry.
The film's title, Green Book, refers to a travel guide published for African-Americans during the segregationist era, telling them where they could go safely. This historical period still resonates today, giving the film a contemporary and universal resonance.
The screenplay was co-written by Tony Lip's son Nick Vallelonga, who drew on his family memories and recorded interviews with Don Shirley to fuel the story. This approach anchors the film in a lived reality, amplifying its authenticity.
With Green Book: On the Roads of the South, Peter Farrelly delivers a powerful work on differences, friendship and tolerance, carried by two actors at the top of their game. This captivating drama is an ode to humanity and an essential reflection on past injustices that still resonate today.
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