Northern lights - activities


Sky weather: will the northern lights return to France this week?

Our Sun, in fine form over the last few days, has triggered new eruptions from a large sunspot, raising hopes of new aurora borealis?
Boréalis : admirez des aurores boréales exceptionnelle sur le parvis de Notre-Dame de ParisBoréalis : admirez des aurores boréales exceptionnelle sur le parvis de Notre-Dame de ParisBoréalis : admirez des aurores boréales exceptionnelle sur le parvis de Notre-Dame de ParisBoréalis : admirez des aurores boréales exceptionnelle sur le parvis de Notre-Dame de Paris

Borealis: enjoy exceptional aurora borealis on the parvis of the Hotel de Ville

Northern lights in the heart of Paris? This is the uncommon and marvelous show to enjoy this summer, on July 30 and 31, 2022, by night, on the parvis of the City Hall. A piece designed by Dan Acher to discover for free.