Number of cases in france - activities

Covid : le nombre de contamination devrait tomber à 15 000 cas au 19 mai selon Olivier VéranCovid : le nombre de contamination devrait tomber à 15 000 cas au 19 mai selon Olivier VéranCovid : le nombre de contamination devrait tomber à 15 000 cas au 19 mai selon Olivier VéranCovid : le nombre de contamination devrait tomber à 15 000 cas au 19 mai selon Olivier Véran

Covid: the contamination toll should drop by 15,000 cases as of May 19, Olivier Véran thinks

On the occasion of an interview with students from Sciences Po, Olivier Véran stated that by May 19, the Covid contamination told should have dropped under 15,000 cases. A number that should enable to “take control over the epidemic again”, the Health Minister claimed.
Visuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris vide Champs Elysées Arc de Triomphe

Towards a re-containment in France? The level of the coronavirus epidemic gets experts worried

Is France heading to another lockdown by the end of the year? The president of the Scientific Committee, Jean-François Delfraissy is worried about the number of cases and the level of the epidemic in France, and warns that “difficult decisions” will be made in the upcoming days.
Coronavirus : le point sur la situation en France ce jeudi 19 marsCoronavirus : le point sur la situation en France ce jeudi 19 marsCoronavirus : le point sur la situation en France ce jeudi 19 marsCoronavirus : le point sur la situation en France ce jeudi 19 mars

Coronavirus in France, the situation on Tuesday September 8

Discover the situation in France as for the Covid-19 epidemic on Tuesday September 8, 2020. As of September 7 in France, have been reported 25 deaths at the hospital in 24 hours, a total of 30,726 deaths and 4,203 new contaminations have been reported in 24 hours.