Recovery plan - activities

APL : les aides au logement augmentent en octobre 2024, de combien ?APL : les aides au logement augmentent en octobre 2024, de combien ?APL : les aides au logement augmentent en octobre 2024, de combien ?APL : les aides au logement augmentent en octobre 2024, de combien ?

APL: housing benefit increases in October 2024, for whom and by how much?

From October 1, 2024, housing subsidies in France, paid by the Caisse d'allocations familiales (CAF) and the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA), will be automatically increased by 3.26%. This increase concerns almost 6.6 million households, including personalized housing benefits (APL), family housing benefits (ALF) and social housing benefits (ALS).
Convention citoyenne pour le climat : Emmanuel Macron veut apporter des « réponses fortes »Convention citoyenne pour le climat : Emmanuel Macron veut apporter des « réponses fortes »Convention citoyenne pour le climat : Emmanuel Macron veut apporter des « réponses fortes »Convention citoyenne pour le climat : Emmanuel Macron veut apporter des « réponses fortes »

Emmanuel Macron's speech on the Climate and Ecology Convention: the announcements

While the ecologists won major French cities on June 28 in the second round of municipal elections, President Emmanuel Macron received, on Monday June 29, the 150 members of the Citizens' Climate Convention. The Head of State indicated that all the proposals of the Convention "except three" will be implemented. We take stock of the different announcements of the president.
Les Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurantLes Pipalottes la table restaurant

Restaurants to fully reopen on June 15 in Paris and Île-de-France

Restaurants, cafés and bars reopened this past Tuesday June 2 in all departments, but have only reopened their terraces in orange areas. In his new address on June 14, French President Emmanuel Macron let the people know that "the entire territory", excluding Mayotte and French Guiana, will be green starting tomorrow. Consequently, restaurants and cafés in Paris and Ile-de-France can reopen from Monday June 15, 2020.
Coronavirus : vers une vague de licenciements en France ?Coronavirus : vers une vague de licenciements en France ?Coronavirus : vers une vague de licenciements en France ?Coronavirus : vers une vague de licenciements en France ?

Coronavirus: towards a wave of redundancies in France?

Will France have to face a wave of redundancies? According to an inquiry published on May 21st in Le Parisien, 22% of companies surveyed are considering redundancies in the upcoming months.
visuel tour eiffelvisuel tour eiffelvisuel tour eiffelvisuel tour eiffel

Tourism recovery scheme disclosed by Edouard Philippe

The government is working on a Marshall plan, an aid and recovery scheme to support the tourism sector, hit by coronavirus and confinement. It has been disclosed this Thursday May 14th.