Sanofi - activities

JO Paris 2024: Zeus, le cheval métallique de la cérémonie d'ouverture exposé à l'Hôtel de VilleJO Paris 2024: Zeus, le cheval métallique de la cérémonie d'ouverture exposé à l'Hôtel de VilleJO Paris 2024: Zeus, le cheval métallique de la cérémonie d'ouverture exposé à l'Hôtel de VilleJO Paris 2024: Zeus, le cheval métallique de la cérémonie d'ouverture exposé à l'Hôtel de Ville

Paris 2024 Olympics: Zeus, the metal horse for the opening ceremony, on display at Hôtel de Ville

The world's most famous horse, ZEUS, is making a comeback! After lighting up the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, this majestic steel steed will be on free display at Paris City Hall from August 29 to September 8, 2024.
Vaccin coronavirus : la vaccination bientôt ouverte aux moins de 50 ans souffrant d'obésitéVaccin coronavirus : la vaccination bientôt ouverte aux moins de 50 ans souffrant d'obésitéVaccin coronavirus : la vaccination bientôt ouverte aux moins de 50 ans souffrant d'obésitéVaccin coronavirus : la vaccination bientôt ouverte aux moins de 50 ans souffrant d'obésité

Covid: Sanofi's vaccine soon to be allowed in Europe

Is the Sanofi vaccine soon to be marketed? This Tuesday July 20, 2021, the European Medicines Agency has announced they are to launch a rolling review of results from phase 3 of the ongoing clinical trial of the French laboratory candidate vaccine in order to allow or not marketing issuance as soon as possible. Issuance could actually occur in the first six months of 2022, although it has been announced for late 2021.
Coronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon SanofiCoronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon SanofiCoronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon SanofiCoronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon Sanofi

Covid: Kevzara (sarilumab) underperforming as a therapy, according to an AP-HP study

According to an AP-HP study issued this November 23, 2021, Kevzara (sarilumab) - a potential cure to Covid - does not seem to have delivered conclusive results as for its effectiveness to avoid deaths after hospitalization. The study confirms results of the clinical trial led by Sanofi who announced in September 2020 they were ending their clinical trial after results of this study were inconclusive.
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

Covid: Sanofi stops trials on their mRNA vaccine

This Tuesday September 28, Sanofi has announced they are halting clinical trials as for Covid mRNA vaccine as developed by American biotech Translate Bio, saying it is too late to reach the market. Yet, the vaccine was promising according to the study's preliminary results.
Vaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois moisVaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois moisVaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois moisVaccin contre la Covid : le produit de Moderna protégerait pendant trois mois

Covid: take a stock on Sanofi vaccine currently completing clincal trial phase 3

Sanofi France CEO Olivier Bogillot announced this July 5th on France Inter the vaccine developed by the laboratories will be available by December 2021. The vaccine is currently completing phase 3 of their trial.
Covid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDA

Covid: Novartis to help Pfizer manufacturing their vaccine in Europe

This Friday January 29, after Sanofi, it is now Novartis laboratories’ turn to announce they have a deal with Pfizer to help them manufacture their vaccine. Goal? Getting round the lack hitting countries, as deliveries are lagging behind.
Covid : Sanofi va aider Pfizer à produire son vaccin en EuropeCovid : Sanofi va aider Pfizer à produire son vaccin en EuropeCovid : Sanofi va aider Pfizer à produire son vaccin en EuropeCovid : Sanofi va aider Pfizer à produire son vaccin en Europe

Covid: Sanofi to help Pfizer producing vaccine in Europe

This Tuesday January 26, in the evening, French laboratory Sanofi announced they will help rival Pfizer producing their vaccine in Europe as they are behind elaborating theirs. All in all, over 100 million doses are to be manufactured in Frankfurt by the end of 2021.
Coronavirus : Sanofi espère développer son vaccin d'ici 2021 Coronavirus : Sanofi espère développer son vaccin d'ici 2021 Coronavirus : Sanofi espère développer son vaccin d'ici 2021 Coronavirus : Sanofi espère développer son vaccin d'ici 2021

Coronavirus: a vaccine for mid-2021 according to the head of Sanofi France

Olivier Bogillot, president of Sanofi France, told Francetvinfo that his vaccine would be put into circulation by mid-2021, if the results of phase 3 of its ongoing clinical trial are conclusive. A promise that the French pharmaceutical group had already formulated in June 2020, with the key to up to one billion doses per year.
Emmanuel Macron annonce la relocalisation de certaines productions de médicamentsEmmanuel Macron annonce la relocalisation de certaines productions de médicamentsEmmanuel Macron annonce la relocalisation de certaines productions de médicamentsEmmanuel Macron annonce la relocalisation de certaines productions de médicaments

Emmanuel Macron announces some drug manufacturing will be relocated

When visiting Sanofi plant in Marcy-l’Etoile, Rhône, Emmanuel Macron said that from June 18, 2020, an “initiative to relocate some drug manufacturing” will be launched. The long-term goal being to no longer depend on extra-European importation, as announced when launching the Ségur de la Santé back in late May.