Self-tests - activities

Covid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolairesCovid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolairesCovid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolairesCovid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolaires

Covid: self-tests under medical supervision valid again for the health pass

While the government announced self-tests were no longer valid to get a health pass past October 15, the Council of State has invalidated this decision and acknowledges again the validity of self-tests under medical supervision to get a health pass.
Covid : nouveau record de vaccination, 700 000 personnes en 24h selon VéranCovid : nouveau record de vaccination, 700 000 personnes en 24h selon VéranCovid : nouveau record de vaccination, 700 000 personnes en 24h selon VéranCovid : nouveau record de vaccination, 700 000 personnes en 24h selon Véran

Covid: Véran announces relaxing in the application of the health pass

Health Minister Olivier Véran announced relaxing in the application of the health pass, as the law implementing it has been approved this Thursday by the Constitutional Council and is to be instated from this Monday August 9, 2021.
Covid : les autotests vendus en pharmacie sont-ils réellement utiles ?Covid : les autotests vendus en pharmacie sont-ils réellement utiles ?Covid : les autotests vendus en pharmacie sont-ils réellement utiles ?Covid : les autotests vendus en pharmacie sont-ils réellement utiles ?

Covid: are self-test kits sold in pharmacies really useful?

Covid-19 self-test kits are available starting Monday April 12 in pharmacies. These new tests are to be taken at home to detect coronavirus within 20 minutes. Yet, many doctors have noticed these tests deliver rather inconclusive results. Are they really useful, then?
Covid : les autotests autorisés par la Haute Autorité de SantéCovid : les autotests autorisés par la Haute Autorité de SantéCovid : les autotests autorisés par la Haute Autorité de SantéCovid : les autotests autorisés par la Haute Autorité de Santé

Covid: pharmacists are not ready to sell self-test kits starting April 12

Self-test kits are available on sale in pharmacies starting Apirl 12. Yet, pharmacists warn they are not ready to sell them when stores open at 8 a.m. this Monday: they are still waiting for competent bodies' official instructions.