Terrace gourmet restaurant guide - activities

Le Bon Saint-PourçainLe Bon Saint-PourçainLe Bon Saint-PourçainLe Bon Saint-Pourçain

Le Bon Saint Pourçain, top-flight cuisine next to Saint-Sulpice

Just a stone's throw from the church of Saint-Sulpice, Bon Saint Pourçain is a favorite with gourmands and gourmets alike. Fabulous.
Restaurant DupinRestaurant DupinRestaurant DupinRestaurant Dupin

Dupin, chef Nathan Helo's excellent first table

L'Epi Dupin is dead, long live Dupin! The famous restaurant on the Left Bank has been given a facelift and a new name. From now on, the restaurant is called Dupin, and at its helm is young chef Nathan Helo, opening his first table here.