Travel certificate - activities

Visuel Paris Parc Monceau jardinVisuel Paris Parc Monceau jardinVisuel Paris Parc Monceau jardinVisuel Paris Parc Monceau jardin

Covid: curfew from 8 p.m. starting December 15 and no exemption on New Year's Eve

As the deadline of December 15 is just around the corner, France will not meet the 5,000 new Covid cases per day goal enabling to exit lockdown, as Jean Castex explained this Thursday December 10 during a press brief. The situation forced the government to toughen up measures planned, like curfew starting from 8 p.m. from December 15 and no exemption on New Year's Eve.
Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021

National reconfinement: the new measures detailed by the Castex government

Following Emmanuel Macron's televised interview on October 28, Jean Castex is holding a press conference this Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. to detail the terms of application of the national reconfinement. The head of government is accompanied by Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, and will present the various specifics of this new containment.
Déconfinement : Une attestation obligatoire pour les déplacements de plus de 100 km à vol d'oiseauDéconfinement : Une attestation obligatoire pour les déplacements de plus de 100 km à vol d'oiseauDéconfinement : Une attestation obligatoire pour les déplacements de plus de 100 km à vol d'oiseauDéconfinement : Une attestation obligatoire pour les déplacements de plus de 100 km à vol d'oiseau

Certificate for trips over 100km to print out, download or have on your smartphone

Starting from May 11th, trips outside your home department are limited to 100km as the crow flies, excluding pressing business and family matters. A new certificate to copy out, print out or download on your smartphone if need be and available on the government's website. But distance restriction does not apply if you travel within your home department.