Where to swim in île de france - activities

Le village de Janvry en Haute Vallée de Chevreuse  - IMG 0701Le village de Janvry en Haute Vallée de Chevreuse  - IMG 0701Le village de Janvry en Haute Vallée de Chevreuse  - IMG 0701Le village de Janvry en Haute Vallée de Chevreuse  - IMG 0701

Janvry beach in a charming Essonne village

In summer, Janvry isn't just a typical Hurepoix village in Essonne, it's transformed into an exotic destination thanks to "Janvry Plage". For 25 years now, long before the advent of the "Paris plage" concept, Janvry has been transforming part of its area into a veritable summer paradise, an oasis of happiness in the middle of the countryside, complete with beach and swimming facilities.
Meaux Plage 2015Meaux Plage 2015Meaux Plage 2015Meaux Plage 2015

Meaux Plage 2024: the summer beach with free swimming and entertainment at Meaux-les-Bains - 77

Meaux Plage in Seine-et-Marne, is back in action from July 6 to August 25, 2024, to the delight of young and old alike. On the program: free swimming in the Marne and a variety of activities.
La base de loisirs de ButhiersLa base de loisirs de ButhiersLa base de loisirs de ButhiersLa base de loisirs de Buthiers

The Buthiers leisure park, a base for sporting activities in the Fontainebleau forest (77)

Notice to families! The Base de loisirs de l'ile de Buthiers is open all year round, and even more so in fine weather and during the summer season. To enjoy outdoor activities, from mini-golf to the swimming pool, not forgetting the accrobranches course, head for the leisure island!