Xbox game

Mortal Kombat 1Mortal Kombat 1Mortal Kombat 1Mortal Kombat 1

Mortal Kombat 1: new trailer for the bloody new opus

Mortal Kombat is certainly one of the world's best-known fighting games. Discover the latest opus in the series, Mortal Kombat 1, available on September 19, 2023 on PS5, Xbox Series, Nintendo Switch and PC.
Cities Skyline IICities Skyline IICities Skyline IICities Skyline II

Cities: Skyline II: release date and gameplay revealed at Xbox Showcase

Eight years of waiting, and still a few months to go: Cities: Skyline II is scheduled for release on October 24, 2023 on PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. Check out the trailer.
Dead Island 2Dead Island 2Dead Island 2Dead Island 2

Dead Island 2: the zombie hunt resumes, discover the trailer

Kill or be eaten: that's the hard law in Los Angeles - or Hell-A, as the survivors call it. Come and face ever more dangerous zombies in Dead Island 2. Scheduled for release on April 21, 2023.