28 Years Later, directed by Danny Boyle and written by Alex Garland, continues the cult saga, mixing horror and horror with a reflection on humanity, starring Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Ralph Fiennes.
Return to Zombieland, the zany sequel to the cult horror comedy starring Woody Harrelson and Emma Stone, will be available on Netflix from December 1, 2024. Get ready for another hilarious adventure amidst zombified chaos!
Available on Prime Video on October 31, Apocalypse Z adapts Manel Loureiro's best-selling novel, mixing action, horror and humor with Manel and her cat Lúculo, in the midst of the zombie apocalypse in Spain.
A Night at the Zoo, an animated film directed by Ricardo Curtis and Rodrigo Perez-Castro, plunges audiences into a family comedy where mutant zombie animals cause panic. In cinemas January 29, 2025.
Jim Jarmusch's horror-comedy The Dead Don't Die, starring Bill Murray, Adam Driver and Tilda Swinton, arrives on Prime Video on July 1, 2024. Out in theaters May 14, 2019, this film explores a zombie invasion with a unique twist of dark humor.