Make a note of the date in your diary and book your evening: on Saturday, June 1, 2024, the Nuit Blanche returns to Paris and the Île-de-France region! Now in its 23rd year, this cultural event is full of surprises and magical events to keep us dreaming all evening long.
Nuit Blanche is a celebration of the contemporary arts: painting, sculpture, dance, music, song, installations and performances... Artists are given carte blanche to move, astonish and enthral us. The event is always a great success, and for good reason: the program is crazy, and totally free!
Would you like to enjoy Nuit Blanche 2024 without having to cross the whole Île-de-France region? Good news: there are events (almost) everywhere during the evening, and even near you! This is especially true if you're in theEssonne region, in Juvisy-sur-Orge.
Juvisiens et habitants du Grand Paris, rendez-vous à l'École et Espace d'art contemporain Camille Lambert, ce samedi 1er juin, pour profiter d'un rendez-vous artistique très spécial. To mark Nuit Blanche, this cultural space is offering an unusual program that should appeal to the curious...
Aucun événement annoncé à ce jour, le programme est mis à jour en fonction des annonces officielles.
A wonderful evening of art awaits us in Juvisy-sur-Orge. Don't miss it!
Dates and Opening Time
On June 1, 2024
Espace D'art Contemporain Camille Lambert
35 Avenue de la Terrasse
91260 Juvisy sur Orge