A hit in Japan,"The Asada Family" hits French screens on January 25, 2023. Directed by Ryôta Nakano, this drama is inspired by the life and work of Masashi Asada. A photographer, he is best known in the Land of the Rising Sun for photographing his family in their daily lives. Immortalizing them in jobs or roles they had always dreamed of, Masashi Asada turned them into a photo album entitled " The Asada Family ", awarded the Kimura Ihei Photography Award in 2008. "The Asada Family" is also the title chosen by director Ryôta Nakano for his not-to-be-missed film.
Since the age of 12, Masashi's only passion has been photography. When he realizes that his parents and brother have given up their passion, he decides to put them on stage: fireman, yakuza wife, Formula 1 driver... In front of Masashi's lens, the whole family lends itself to the game, allowing each of them to live out the dreams of their youth. When Japan was hit by the 2011 tsunami, Masashi's photos took on a new dimension.
Our verdict: Moving, funny and deeply human, The Asada Family is a particularly rare nugget. Between an atypical family and tragic events, Masahi's chaotic and haphazard journey touches and moves us. If you have the opportunity to see this masterpiece, don't hesitate for a second.
Dates and Opening Time
Starts January 25, 2023