Ruby, l'ado Kraken, directed by Kirk DeMicco, is shaping up to be the next must-see animated feature from DreamWorks Animation Studios. Presented at the Annecy Animated Film Festival, June 11-17, this animated comedy literally plunges us into the life of a teenager like no other ...
Ruby Gillman is an awkward high-school student destined for an extraordinary destiny. Heiress to the royal line of Kraken, the legendary underwater creatures, she tries to reconcile her normal life with her secret origins. In love with a teenager from her high school, Ruby is faced with a dilemma that will turn her life upside down: should she answer the call of her grandmother, the warrior queen of the Seven Seas, or obey her mother's strict ban on joining the ocean? At the risk of her life, the young girl must redouble her courage and protect those she loves in the face of a new danger, embodied by the Sirens, her sworn enemies.
Our verdict:
This mythological comedy plunges us into the depths of the oceans to discover a miraculous, thrilling world tinged with heroism. At just 16, Ruby Gillman embodies the rebellious age, in search of meaning and in conflict with her parents. This animated film tackles a number of themes: lies, courage and duty. The many endearing characters also arouse our curiosity with their humor and dedication.
Between the Kraken and the Sirens, fantastic creatures take pride of place in this animated comedy, allowing several nods to Greek and Scandinavian mythologies. The film's soundtrack, by Stephanie Economou, is the perfect accompaniment to this plunge into wondrous waters, with its catchy tones.
Ruby, l'ado Kraken may not quite live up to the DreamWorks studio classics, but we're not going to deny ourselves the pleasure of a top-notch cast featuring the voices of Jane Fonda, Lana Condor(To All the Boys I've Ever Loved) and Toni Collette(Sixth Sense, Knives Off).
Visually, Ruby, the Teenage Kraken offers a colorful and wondrous world that takes us on a real deep-sea dive. The world of the Kraken and the city ofOceanside are beautifully rendered, visually immersing us in a bright, luminous universe. We're happy to jump into this film for children, but it's also a delight for grown-ups!