The French anime Wakfu, based on the video game of the same name, has been experiencing production problems since 2012, and the end of season 2. After a troubled season 3, Ankama, which produces the anime, embarked on a long road to the end of season four, taking seven years and over 1.5 million euros in crowdfunding to complete. Now, the new season of Wakfu has a release date of February 9, and even a trailer.
And fans of the anime will be delighted to see that this new season, like the previous ones, will be available free of charge, as it will be broadcast on France.TV, the free platform of France Télévisions. For this new batch of episodes, we'll find the heroes right where we left them, for brand-new adventures.
After confronting Nox, the mage who mastered the workings of time; Qilby, the eminent representative of Yugo's people with exceptional powers and intelligence; Ogrest, the ogre atop Mount Zinit, responsible for the disasters that struck the world; and finally the omniscient Oropo, the philosopher enemy who brought our heroes face to face with their own demons; what threat will this time befall the World of Twelve? The end of season 3 left Yugo and his friends at the gates of Ingloriom, the realm of the gods. The floating territory appeared devastated. But what had happened? Where are the Twelve Gods? Is there a link between their victory and this chaos? How far will our heroes have to go to get out of this one? These are the questions that mark the start of the fourth season.
Streaming: what are we watching this Thursday January 30, 2025 on Netflix, Amazon and Disney+ platforms?
Feeling like curling up in front of the TV today? We've got the week's releases on your favorite streaming platforms, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+! [Read more]