Fans of Junji Ito and psychological horror eagerly await the animated adaptation ofUzumaki, available on Max from September 29, 2024. The series, directed by Hiroshi Nagahama(Mushishi), promises to faithfully recreate the eerie atmosphere of the cult manga, in which a Japanese coastal town is plagued by a mysterious curse linked to spirals. Composed of four 30-minute episodes, Uzumaki takes us into a story of madness and distortion, where the daily lives of the inhabitants are gradually transformed into a veritable nightmare.
In Kurouzu-cho, a small, isolated coastal town, strange events linked to spiral patterns begin to manifest themselves. Kirie Goshima, an ordinary high-school student, watches in horror as the town descends into chaos. Spiraling eyes, writhing bodies and increasingly bizarre behavior all point to a cursed city. When her childhood friend Shuichi Saito asks her to leave town with him, Kirie realizes that this curse is far more dangerous than she had imagined. But can she escape Kurouzu-cho's grip before it's too late? The series' oppressive atmosphere and omnipresent spirals plunge the characters into a literal and metaphorical spiral of destruction.
Uzumaki is aimed above all at fans ofpsychological horror and animation who appreciate visually arresting and oppressive works. If you've enjoyed Junji Ito Collection adaptations or series such as Paranoia Agent and The Haunting of Hill House, Uzumaki should meet your expectations. This adaptation promises to capture all the visual and narrative power ofIto's manga, known for his eerie drawings and tales of human madness. The unique concept of spirals as a vector of terror, combined with black-and-white animation that respects the graphic style of the original work, makes this series a horror object in its own right.
With Uzumaki, Max offers a faithful and terrifying adaptation of one of the greatest classics of Japanese horror. Directed by Hiroshi Nagahama, this animated mini-series is a true tribute to the work of Junji Ito. As viewers plunge into the nightmarish depths of Kurouzu-cho, they will experience an oppressive tale of unique visual horror. Available from September 29, 2024, Uzumaki promises to be a must-see for fans of psychological terror and dystopian tales.
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