Sur un fil is a comedy-drama directed by Reda Kateb. Co-written with Fadette Drouard, the film takes us into the life of Jo, a young street performer played by Aloïse Sauvage(Hippocrate). She meets the clowns of the "Nez pour rire" association, who work in hospitals to put smiles back on the faces of sick children. The cast also includes Philippe Rebbot and Jean-Philippe Buzaud, bringing their talent and authenticity to this immersion in the sensitive, colorful world of therapeutic clowns. With a blend of humor and tenderness, Sur un fil explores the bonds forged between patients, families and caregivers.
Sur un fil will be shown in cinemas from October 30, 2024.
Synopsis: Jo, a young woman and street circus performer, discovers the work of the professional clowns of "Nez pour rire". Quickly - perhaps too quickly - accepted into the association, she finds herself in contact with children, patients, carers and families, to whom these clowns tirelessly try to bring joy and comfort.
Sur un fil should appeal to fans of French cinema who appreciate social and sensitive films. The film could particularly appeal to those who enjoyed works such as Les Émotifs anonymes or Hors Normes, for their ability to tackle human themes with a moving lightness. Following the journey of Jo, an open-hearted and spontaneous street performer, Sur un fil seems intent on depicting the reality of an association that seeks to lighten the daily lives of sick children. This exploration of the work of clowns in hospitals, a subject rarely dealt with in the cinema, is likely to appeal to families as much as to viewers interested in stories of resilience and empathy.
Scenes set in the hospital corridors, alongside the children and medical staff, suggest an immersion in a world that is both joyful and poignant. With performances by Aloïse Sauvage and Philippe Rebbot, the film may well capture the essence of the interactions between artists and patients, offering a nuanced view of their commitment. On the other hand, those who prefer light comedies or action films may not find Sur un fil the escape they're looking for.
With Sur un fil, Reda Kateb seems intent on opening a window on a world little explored in cinema: that of hospital clowns and their struggle to bring smiles where sadness often reigns. Combining humor, humanity and depth, this film could offer viewers an emotional and caring perspective on the impact of laughter therapy. Supported by a committed cast and a touching story, Sur un fil promises to be a unique cinematic experience for anyone wishing to discover the art of clowning in a different light.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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