The Comédie-Française takes on the tale of The Snow Queen in a touching, poetic adaptation that respects the work ofHans Christian Andersen. Directed by Johanna Boyé, this version entitled La Reine des neiges, l'histoire oubliée brings to life the original story of Kay and Gerda, two friends separated by cruel fate and reunited by brotherly love. Unlike more modern adaptations, this show stays true to the spirit of the tale, drawing young and old alike into a visual and musical adventure where mysteries and encounters are at the heart of the story. This original performance will be shown exclusively in cinemas from December 1, for the enjoyment of families.
The Snow Queen: The Forgotten Story will be showing in over 250 cinemas from December 1, every Sunday of the month.
Synopsis: Gerda and Kay are inseparable playmates until the day when, injured by two crystals from a broken mirror, the young boy changes his character and becomes hot-tempered. He disappears, kidnapped by the mysterious Snow Queen. With no news of him, Gerda sets off across the world in search of her brother...
The tale begins not with two sisters, but with two childhood friends: Kay and Gerda, inseparable neighbors. Their friendship is put in jeopardy by human-irritated trolls, who injure Kay with a shard of magic mirror, causing her to see the world in a darker light. After being dragged into the Snow Queen's mysterious castle, Kay is left in a state of isolation, unaware of what he has lost. Gerda, his best friend, decides to set off in search of him, accompanied by unexpected allies such as a Magician, a Crow, a Princess, a Little Bandit and a Witch. This journey of initiation reveals an emotional quest in which Gerda's courage and perseverance overcome obstacles and restore the pure love that binds the two friends.
La Reine des neiges, l'histoire oubliée is a show for the whole family, enchanting young and old alike. Fans of classic tales will find a faithful and poetic adaptation ofAndersen's tale, far removed from the image popularized by contemporary adaptations. Children will discover a tale of initiation, rich in adventure and singular characters, while adults will appreciate the richness of the text and Johanna Boyé's artistic approach. With its musical staging and enchanting sets, this version may remind audiences of other successful Comédie-Française stage adaptations, such as Le Petit-Maître corrigé, but in a fairytale universe that awakens the imagination.
This holiday season, La Reine des neiges, l'histoire oubliée (The Snow Queen, The Forgotten Story) promises a moment of sharing and magic at the cinema. By returning to the roots of Hans Christian Andersen's tale, the Comédie-Française offers a moving and visually captivating show that will delight fans of classic tales and family theater. This exclusive film adaptation allows audiences to discover a timeless work in a version that blends adventure, emotion and poetry, ideal for end-of-year festivities.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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Dates and Opening Time
From December 1, 2024 to December 29, 2024