Wrap'n Roll Sushi, the Japanese restaurant for generous and unusual rolls

A cult address in the Gare Saint-Lazare district, Wrap'n Roll Sushi has been a favorite of connoisseurs and connoisseurs alike for many years, offering Japanese cuisine based on rolls, with their farandole of original colors and flavors.

Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushi
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushi
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushi
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushi
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushi
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushi
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushi
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushi
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Soupe misoWrap'n Roll Sushi - Soupe misoWrap'n Roll Sushi - Soupe misoWrap'n Roll Sushi - Soupe miso
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Salade de chouWrap'n Roll Sushi - Salade de chouWrap'n Roll Sushi - Salade de chouWrap'n Roll Sushi - Salade de chou
Wrap'n Roll Sushi - DevantureWrap'n Roll Sushi - DevantureWrap'n Roll Sushi - DevantureWrap'n Roll Sushi - Devanture


Wrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushiWrap'n Roll Sushi - Roll maki sushi

Wrap'n Roll Sushi, the Japanese restaurant for generous, unusual and truly affordable rolls

Wrap'n Roll Sushi is THE Japanese restaurant on the Saint-Lazare side of Paris, offering a host of unusual and affordable maki rolls.