La Sabicherie, home of the 'other' Israeli sandwich

Less well known than the falafel sandwich, the sabich has nothing to envy it! You can eat it to go at La Sabicherie, near Bastille and now at SoPi.

La Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - Sabich
La Sabicherie - Houmous et labnehLa Sabicherie - Houmous et labnehLa Sabicherie - Houmous et labnehLa Sabicherie - Houmous et labneh
La Sabicherie - MouhalabiehLa Sabicherie - MouhalabiehLa Sabicherie - MouhalabiehLa Sabicherie - Mouhalabieh
La Sabicherie - DécorationLa Sabicherie - DécorationLa Sabicherie - DécorationLa Sabicherie - Décoration
La Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - Sabich
La Sabicherie - MouhalabiehLa Sabicherie - MouhalabiehLa Sabicherie - MouhalabiehLa Sabicherie - Mouhalabieh
La Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - Sabich
La Sabicherie - MouhalabiehLa Sabicherie - MouhalabiehLa Sabicherie - MouhalabiehLa Sabicherie - Mouhalabieh
La Sabicherie - ComptoirLa Sabicherie - ComptoirLa Sabicherie - ComptoirLa Sabicherie - Comptoir


La Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - SabichLa Sabicherie - Sabich

La Sabicherie, home of the 'other' Israeli sandwich

Less well known than the falafel sandwich, the sabich has nothing to envy it! You can eat it to go at La Sabicherie, near Bastille and now at SoPi too!