Cergy pontoise

Charivari au VillageCharivari au VillageCharivari au VillageCharivari au Village

Charivari au Village, Cergy's popular back-to-school festival (95)

From September 23 to 24, 2023, Charivari, the city of Cergy's festive event, is back! With its blend of tradition, local festivities and conviviality, it's a not-to-be-missed back-to-school event!
Où apprendre et pratiquer le breaking à Paris et en Île-de-France ?Où apprendre et pratiquer le breaking à Paris et en Île-de-France ?Où apprendre et pratiquer le breaking à Paris et en Île-de-France ?Où apprendre et pratiquer le breaking à Paris et en Île-de-France ?

French Breaking Supercup: crazy battles this weekend in Cergy-Pontoise

This Saturday, December 14, 2024, watch the final of the French Breaking Supercup at the Cergy-Pontoise sports complex, with the country's best breakers in action!
Journées du Patrimoine 2022 au Musée Pissarro, à Pontoise (95), et dans ses jardinsJournées du Patrimoine 2022 au Musée Pissarro, à Pontoise (95), et dans ses jardinsJournées du Patrimoine 2022 au Musée Pissarro, à Pontoise (95), et dans ses jardinsJournées du Patrimoine 2022 au Musée Pissarro, à Pontoise (95), et dans ses jardins

Heritage Days 2024 at the Musée Pissarro, Pontoise (95), the program

The Musée Pissarro takes part in the Journées du Patrimoine 2024. Located on the site of a medieval château, this museum pays tribute to the painter Camille Pissarro, who lived in Pontoise for 17 years. On Saturday September 21 and Sunday September 22, 2024, discover the museum and its gardens, while enjoying a beautiful view over the Val-d'Oise.
L'île-de-France fête le théâtre 2022 : l'évènement gratuit dans les bases de loisirs d'IDFL'île-de-France fête le théâtre 2022 : l'évènement gratuit dans les bases de loisirs d'IDFL'île-de-France fête le théâtre 2022 : l'évènement gratuit dans les bases de loisirs d'IDFL'île-de-France fête le théâtre 2022 : l'évènement gratuit dans les bases de loisirs d'IDF

Ile-de-France celebrates theater 2024: free events at leisure centres

The Ile-de-France region is once again celebrating theater on its leisure islands from July 9 to August 29, 2024. This year, the leisure islands of Créteil, Cergy-Pontoise, Val-de-Seine and Port aux Cerises will be hosting free shows and workshops (booking required).
Cergy, la ville aux milles facettes - image00167Cergy, la ville aux milles facettes - image00167Cergy, la ville aux milles facettes - image00167Cergy, la ville aux milles facettes - image00167

Unusual architecture: discover Petit Versailles, the neoclassical building in Cergy (95)

In Cergy, the capital of the Val-d'Oise region, at the very start of the twelve stations of the city's Axe majeur, there's a building that stands out from the crowd. It's the Petit Versailles, a project by Ricardo Bofill, the famous Spanish architect.
Cergy, la ville aux milles facettes - image00145Cergy, la ville aux milles facettes - image00145Cergy, la ville aux milles facettes - image00145Cergy, la ville aux milles facettes - image00145

Discover the Axe Majeur in Cergy (95), for a beautiful stroll less than an hour from Paris

You may know Cergy as one of the termini of the RER A, which many people in the Paris region use on a daily basis. In any case, one thing is almost certain: you've already seen or heard of the famous "axe majeur", the huge red bridge that crosses the river Oise, so characteristic of the Val-d'Oise town.
La Base de loisirs de Cergy-PontoiseLa Base de loisirs de Cergy-PontoiseLa Base de loisirs de Cergy-PontoiseLa Base de loisirs de Cergy-Pontoise

Base de Loisirs de Cergy-Pontoise: Water Sports and Barbecue, beach opening

The Ile de loisirs de Cergy-Pontoise awaits you once again to fill up on sunshine and activities. Located 30 km from Paris, in the heart of the Cergy-Pontoise conurbation, the Cergy-Pontoise leisure park is a veritable jewel of greenery, open all year round. The beach opens on June 10, 2023, so it's time to get out your swimsuit!
Le Royaume des enfants à Cergy, Draveil et JablinesLe Royaume des enfants à Cergy, Draveil et JablinesLe Royaume des enfants à Cergy, Draveil et JablinesLe Royaume des enfants à Cergy, Draveil et Jablines

Les Royaumes des enfants in Cergy, Draveil and Jablines, inflatable slide parks

Looking for fun for the kids? Let's go and have some fun in the various Children's Kingdom parks offering a wide range of activities for the little ones in Cergy-Pontoise (95), Draveil (91) and Jablines-Annet (77). These three parks are open to children every Wednesday and weekend, and every day during school vacations. They offer African safaris, water games, car races, inflatable games and many other activities.
1er mai : fête du muguet1er mai : fête du muguet1er mai : fête du muguet1er mai : fête du muguet

The Lily of the Valley Race, two races in the streets of Cergy-Pontoise on May 1st

Feel like a little spring race? The Lily of the Valley Race has what you need, on May 1st 2023, with a 10km and a 4.5km route, through the roads of Cergy and Pontoise!
Journées mondiales d'actions pour une justice écologique et sociale les 25 et 26 septembreJournées mondiales d'actions pour une justice écologique et sociale les 25 et 26 septembreJournées mondiales d'actions pour une justice écologique et sociale les 25 et 26 septembreJournées mondiales d'actions pour une justice écologique et sociale les 25 et 26 septembre

Global days of Climate Action, September 25 and 26, 2020

New days of action for an ecological and social justice this weekend! The movement of young on strike for the climate, "Fridays for Future" and its French branch "Youth for Climate France" are once again gathering for two days of action scheduled on Friday September 25 and Saturday 26, 2020.