Jurassic World, directed by Colin Trevorrow, arrives on Netflix on January 16, 2025. Join Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard in this blend of action, adventure and sci-fi, where dinosaurs come to life... and wreak havoc.
The Russo brothers' new sci-fi film, The Electric State, starring Millie Bobby Brown and Chris Pratt, will be released on Netflix on March 14, 2025. This epic plunges us into a post-apocalyptic world with retro '90s overtones.
Guardians of the Galaxy 3, directed by James Gunn, will be available for streaming on Disney+ on October 4, 2024. Join Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana and Dave Bautista in this new cosmic adventure.
La Grande Aventure Lego 2, animated adventure film directed by Mike Mitchell, with the French voices of Tal Benyerzi and Arnaud Ducret, available on Prime Video on June 1, 2024.
While the third part of Guardians of the Galaxy will be released on Wednesday, May 3, 2023, the whole team of the movie went to Paris to promote it. Relive the press conference that the actors and the director Chris Pratt gave this Sunday, April 23.