Lego's Big Adventure 2 is an animatedadventure film directed by Mike Mitchell, released in 2019. This second installment in the adventures of the Lego characters follows on from the success of the first film, with a script written by Phil Lord and Chris Miller, the creators of the first opus. With the French voices of Tal Benyerzi (Lucy) and Arnaud Ducret (Emmet), the film promises a new epic full of suspense, song and creativity.
For five years, the people of Bricksburg have been living in peace, until a new threat emerges: Lego Duplo® invaders from the far reaches of space, destroying everything in their path. To defeat these fearsome foes and restore peace to the Lego Universe, Emmet, Lucy, Batman and their friends must explore distant and unknown worlds. Their quest even takes them to a strange galaxy where every situation becomes a musical. This new adventure will put their courage, creativity and Master Builder skills to the test.
Lego'sGreat Adventure2 appeals to a wide audience, from children to adults, who are seduced by the humor and creativity of Lego animated films. The film stands out for its dynamic action sequences, witty dialogue and catchy musical numbers. Fans of the first installment will be delighted to meet up with their favorite characters, while newcomers will be captivated by the rich, colorful world of Lego. Audiences who enjoy films such as ToyStory, Ralph 2.0 and The Incredibles 2 will find The Great Lego Adventure 2 an entertaining and inventive adventure.
Lego's Big Adventure 2 is an animated adventure full of charm and energy, driven by endearing characters and an inventive script. Available on Prime Video from June 1, 2024, this film promises to entertain the whole family with its hilarious scenes, catchy songs and suspenseful moments. Join Emmet, Lucy and their friends in this new epic as they save the Lego universe from Duplo invaders and discover fantastic new worlds.
Our review of Lego's Big Adventure 2:
Once again, The Great Lego Adventure plunges us into a universe where Lego characters find themselves forced to live out the adventures decided by the humans who play them.
The story takes place 5 years after the first one, and the young boy, now a teenager, has shaped Bricksburg into a slightly tougher, more rebellious image where "cuteness" has no place, much to the despair of his little sister, who dreams of only one thing: playing with her brother.
There are some lovely songs with catchy rhythms and melodies that get stuck in your head (that's the theme of one of them) and, as usual with Mike Mitchell, plenty of references for adults.
Lego's Great Adventure 2 is a cartoon for kids, but parents are not outdone, enjoying this funny and moving film just as much as their children.
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