Curfew france

Visuel Paris Concorde nuitVisuel Paris Concorde nuitVisuel Paris Concorde nuitVisuel Paris Concorde nuit

Lockdown exit: end of curfew and compulsory facemask-wearing in France

In compliance with the government's lockdown exit plan, curfew is to be moved twice in May and June, before being fully lifted at the beginning of summer. French are allowed to be out until late as curfew is moved to 11 p.m. since Wednesday June 9. But this Wednesday June 16, 2021 Prime Minister Jean Castex announced curfew ultimately comes to a close this Sunday June 20 everywhere in France, and the obligation of wearing a mask outside is no longer valid starting this Thursday June 17 given the good results of the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic.
Visuel Paris Jardin Tino Rossi ParisVisuel Paris Jardin Tino Rossi ParisVisuel Paris Jardin Tino Rossi ParisVisuel Paris Jardin Tino Rossi Paris

End of curfew: why has the French government opted for June the 2nd?

It is official, the nationwide curfew is to end on June 2 after being instated in France for over eight months. This date has not been randomly selected: it actually meets legal imperatives. Keep reading to find out more.
Visuel Paris Louvre nuitVisuel Paris Louvre nuitVisuel Paris Louvre nuitVisuel Paris Louvre nuit

Coronavirus: curfew not to be lifted at the same time as lockdown

As the coronavirus epidemic situation is improving in France, the French are waiting to find out more about lockdown exit details. Should the end of curfew be expected?
Visuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'Elysée

Covid: "Additional measures will be made" in Île-de-France, Attal confirms

This Wednesday March 17, 2021 government spokesman Gabriel Attal shares his report following governmental meetings. Given the "degrading epidemic situation", he confirmed that "additional measures will be made statring this weekend", in Île-de-France, and Hauts-de-France. President Macron has to choose between strict 24/7 lockdown and weekend lockdown. As for the final decision, he says to wait for "tomorrow's press briefing".
Visuel Paris rue parisVisuel Paris rue parisVisuel Paris rue parisVisuel Paris rue paris

Curfew: to open on Sundays, storekeepers call for an easier process

This Thursday January 14, Jean Castex announced curfew from 6 p.m. will have all storekeepers in France to close earlier, for at least two weeks. To overcome lost working hours, the government allows storekeepers to open on Sundays. But they call for an easier process.
Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ? Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ? Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ? Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ?

Coronavirus Paris - Île-de-France: curfew from 6 p.m. starting Saturday

The coronavirus epidemic keeps on spreading in France and to curb the spread, the government has announced curfew from 6 p.m. in mainland France including in Paris and Île-de-France as the virus is gaining ground.
Le Grand RexLe Grand RexLe Grand RexLe Grand Rex

Detailed protocol for movie theaters and theaters to reopen

What is the health protocol implemented from December 15 in movie theaters, theaters and show venues? Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot detailed measures and conditions of the reopening during a press brief held this Thursday November 26, 2020. An address following Emmanuel Macron's on televisions a few days ago, on Tuesday November 24.
Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021Plan de relance économique : Jean Castex annonce la création de 160 000 emplois comme objectif 2021

National reconfinement: the new measures detailed by the Castex government

Following Emmanuel Macron's televised interview on October 28, Jean Castex is holding a press conference this Thursday, October 29, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. to detail the terms of application of the national reconfinement. The head of government is accompanied by Olivier Véran, Minister of Health, and will present the various specifics of this new containment.
Conseil de Défense : Bientôt un couvre-feu en zone d'alerte maximale ?Conseil de Défense : Bientôt un couvre-feu en zone d'alerte maximale ?Conseil de Défense : Bientôt un couvre-feu en zone d'alerte maximale ?Conseil de Défense : Bientôt un couvre-feu en zone d'alerte maximale ?

Coronavirus: curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. in 9 French cities, detailed measure

To try and halt the increase of many new coronavirus cases in France, Emmanuel Macron has announced the implementation of a curfew from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. in Paris, Ile-de-France and 9 other French cities. It is now Jean Castex's turn to give details as for the new measure on Thursday October 15, 2020.