Family treasure hunt - activities

Le brunch de l'Alcôve au Louis à Versailles  - IMG 7531Le brunch de l'Alcôve au Louis à Versailles  - IMG 7531Le brunch de l'Alcôve au Louis à Versailles  - IMG 7531Le brunch de l'Alcôve au Louis à Versailles  - IMG 7531

The free Grand Jeu de piste at Versailles 2024

How about a free treasure hunt in Versailles? The town is repeating its great game and offering you a fun day out this Saturday, June 1, 2024. Don't forget to register - it's compulsory to take part!
Rallye street art à Belleville avec Paris d'enfantsRallye street art à Belleville avec Paris d'enfantsRallye street art à Belleville avec Paris d'enfantsRallye street art à Belleville avec Paris d'enfants

Free children's outing: 3 digital treasure hunts to discover in the parks of Seine-Saint-Denis

Is it the summer vacations, the weekend or any other day and you're looking after the kids? If you've got nothing planned, don't panic, we've got just the idea for you! Completely free, all you need is a smartphone. Take your cap, water bottle and sun cream, and off you go!
Jeu de piste forêt de la GrangeJeu de piste forêt de la GrangeJeu de piste forêt de la GrangeJeu de piste forêt de la Grange

A family treasure hunt to discover the state forest of La Grange in Yerres (91)

13 kilometers south-east of Paris, the state forest of La Grange connects the Val-de-Marne and Essonne, between the castles of Grosbois and La Grange: rather unknown, the association Au Fil de l'Eau decided to remedy this by proposing a treasure hunt combining a walk and nature observation, to discover one of the most beautiful green spaces of the Ile-de-France with the children
Rallye street art à Belleville avec Paris d'enfantsRallye street art à Belleville avec Paris d'enfantsRallye street art à Belleville avec Paris d'enfantsRallye street art à Belleville avec Paris d'enfants

Free walks and treasure hunts to do with the family, with a mobile application only

An outing in Paris, yes, but if it's fun, it's even better. Especially with children, to keep them busy (at least) for a while and to kill two birds with one stone, while exploring Paris and its surroundings at the same time!
Visuels - Parc de Belleville en automne Visuels - Parc de Belleville en automne Visuels - Parc de Belleville en automne Visuels - Parc de Belleville en automne

A free ephemeral treasure hunt (well, street art) in the Belleville district

It's one of those initiatives that makes us love Paris so much, with its bohemian soul, completely artistic, a bit provocative: in the Belleville district, a collective of street artists are now offering an unusual treasure hunt, free but above all ephemeral. We explain you?
Visuels ProvinsVisuels ProvinsVisuels ProvinsVisuels Provins

Vacations: 5 cities in Île-de-France to visit with your family

Want to take the kids out during the vacations? The Paris Region has many beautiful cities to discover during a family outing. With the free application Paris Region Aventures, created by the Regional Tourism Committee (CRT), you can make the outing fun and playful with a treasure hunt. We give you our favorite walks to do this fall in Paris Region.