Health pass - activities

Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?  Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?  Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?  Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?

Health pass extended: the calendar announced by the French government

This Monday July 12, Emmanuel Macron announced the use of the health pass is extended to more venues welcoming over 50 people, such as shopping malls, restaurants, trains… Measures are to be progressively instated over the summer.
Visuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris Louvre

Covid: health pass required for all events over 50 people

During his televised address as part of the fight against Covid, French President Emmanuel Macron is to announce – according to parliamentarians – the health pass is to be extended to and compulsory in many places starting from July 21, 2021. What are the venues it applies to? Keep reading to find out more!
Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?  Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?  Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?  Pass sanitaire : dans quels lieux sera-t-il obligatoire dès le 9 juin ?

Health pass: where is it compulsory in France?

While the Parliament ultimately voted for the implementation of a health pass starting from June 9 to curb the Covid-19 epidemic, the government adds released a decree the day before, on Tuesday June 8, the official list of places this pass will be compulsory in starting from this day forth. Keep reading to find out more.
Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris

Covid: how much do PCR tests cost in EU countries?

To return from their trips abroad, French have had to show a negative PCR less than 72 hours old, if not vaccinated. Travelers must then be tested in the countries they went to and sometimes have the bad surprise to see PCR tests can be charged in Europe.
Covid : le "pass sanitaire" validé par l'Assemblée nationale Covid : le "pass sanitaire" validé par l'Assemblée nationale Covid : le "pass sanitaire" validé par l'Assemblée nationale Covid : le "pass sanitaire" validé par l'Assemblée nationale

Covid: the National Assembly to eventually approve the health pass

As deputies voted for the creation of a health pass in the evening of Monday May 10, 2021, when examining the draft bill to exit the health crisis, MoDem group has tipped the scale in favor of “against”, to everyone’s surprise. The Prime Minister confirmed there “will be a health pass”, confirming on the occasion the issue with the majority will be “sorted out” by the government. The following night, the bill has been eventually passed after a second deliberation.
Cerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit PalaisCerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit PalaisCerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit PalaisCerisiers en fleurs à paris et aux alentours - Petit Palais

Terraces and cultural places to reopen in France: different scenarios on the table

This is a new step the French people are highly anticipating: the reopening of the terraces of bars, cafés, and restaurants, as well as of museums and monuments, movie theaters, and show venues. For now, all these places are closed to the public because of the resurgence of the Covid-19 epidemic in the country. But the government has started considering several possible scenarios to reopen these places progressively. What are leads on the table? Keep reading to find out more.
Covid : un passeport vaccinal demandé dès cet été pour voyager dans certains pays européensCovid : un passeport vaccinal demandé dès cet été pour voyager dans certains pays européensCovid : un passeport vaccinal demandé dès cet été pour voyager dans certains pays européensCovid : un passeport vaccinal demandé dès cet été pour voyager dans certains pays européens

Covid: more on the "EU health pass" available from June 15

The EU 27 have agreed on a "EU health pass" to be instated from June 15, 2021. What will it include? European Commissioner Thierry Breton - entrusted with vaccines - answered the question this March 28 on Le Grand Jury show.
Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?

Covid: would “health pass” be soon necessary to travel by plane?

Will you soon have to get a “health pass” to be able to travel by plane? Invited on RMC this March 11, 2021, Minister of Transports Jean-Baptiste Djebbari said the “health pass” tested starting this Thursday by Air France “could be foreshadowing or anticipating” a necessary tool to travel by plane.
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Covid: Macron considers instating a “health pass” for restaurants and cultural places

Is France to soon instate a “health pass” for cultural places and restaurants? The idea has been raised by Emmanuel Macron this February 25 during the first day of video-conference with the 27 EU leaders.