Hives - activities

Le Grand Parc des Docks, à Saint-Ouen - image00225Le Grand Parc des Docks, à Saint-Ouen - image00225Le Grand Parc des Docks, à Saint-Ouen - image00225Le Grand Parc des Docks, à Saint-Ouen - image00225

Take part in a beekeeping course at the Wangari Greenhouse in Saint-Ouen (93)

Did you know? You can take beekeeping lessons in Saint-Ouen, directly from Parc des Docks.
Visuel Paris - rucherVisuel Paris - rucherVisuel Paris - rucherVisuel Paris - rucher

La Fête du Miel, at the Parc Georges-Valbon in La Courneuve (93), this Sunday, September 3, 2023

This Sunday, September 3, 2023, we look forward to seeing you at the park for a very special occasion: the Parc Georges-Valbon in La Courneuve invites you to its Fête du Miel 2023, with a programme of free events open to all!
Ruchers du parc André CitroënRuchers du parc André CitroënRuchers du parc André CitroënRuchers du parc André Citroën

Unusual: a visit to the apiaries of the Parc André Citroën, this Sunday, May 14, 2023

Did you know that? The André Citroën park does not have a farm with animals, or a stable with ponies, but another type of animal, slightly smaller: bees. And yes, there are beehives in this green place and we propose you a visit this Sunday, May 14, 2023.