Law enforcement

Jean TexierJean TexierJean TexierJean Texier

Ephemeris of October 17: The massacre of Algerians thrown into the Seine

On October 17, 1961, a peaceful demonstration organized by the Front de Libération Nationale in support of Algerian independence was put down in bloodshed. In one night, between 30 and 250 Algerians were killed and thrown into the Seine.
Coronavirus : vers des contrôles de police et de gendarmerie beaucoup plus stricts Coronavirus : vers des contrôles de police et de gendarmerie beaucoup plus stricts Coronavirus : vers des contrôles de police et de gendarmerie beaucoup plus stricts Coronavirus : vers des contrôles de police et de gendarmerie beaucoup plus stricts

Emmanuel Macron announces there will be on body-worn cameras per squad by the summer, before generalization

As promised in July 2020, body-worn cameras will be generalized before the summer 2021, Emmanuel Macron claimed this Monday April 19, 2021. Each police squad will enjoy one body-worn camera first, before generalization to all police officers. The goal? “Restoring trust” with the French people with the "efficacy and exemplariness" tandem.
Paris va se doter d’une police municipale, dès 2020Paris va se doter d’une police municipale, dès 2020Paris va se doter d’une police municipale, dès 2020Paris va se doter d’une police municipale, dès 2020

2000 migrants evacuated from a camp in Saint-Denis

There are currently 2000 migrants being evacuated from a camp in Saint-Denis. These men – mostly from Afghanistan – lived in “unsanitary conditions” Gérald Darmanin said.