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Covid: Paris reaches the “maximal alert” threshold of 250 cases for 100,000 inhabitants

The “maximal alert” threshold of 250 cases for 100,000 inhabitants has now been reached in Paris becoming then the hardest-hit department in Île-de-France and the eighth in France.
Coronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon SanofiCoronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon SanofiCoronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon SanofiCoronavirus : le Kevzara peu efficace comme traitement au virus selon Sanofi

Covid: Kevzara (sarilumab) underperforming as a therapy, according to an AP-HP study

According to an AP-HP study issued this November 23, 2021, Kevzara (sarilumab) - a potential cure to Covid - does not seem to have delivered conclusive results as for its effectiveness to avoid deaths after hospitalization. The study confirms results of the clinical trial led by Sanofi who announced in September 2020 they were ending their clinical trial after results of this study were inconclusive.
À l'hôpital, plus de 5700 lits supprimés en 2020 selon le ministère de la SantéÀ l'hôpital, plus de 5700 lits supprimés en 2020 selon le ministère de la SantéÀ l'hôpital, plus de 5700 lits supprimés en 2020 selon le ministère de la SantéÀ l'hôpital, plus de 5700 lits supprimés en 2020 selon le ministère de la Santé

Covid: infectious disease specialist Gilles Pialoux reassuring in the face of this 5th wave starting “at lightning speed”

Interviewed by France Info, infectious disease specialist Gilles Pialoux intends to sound reassuring in the face of this 5th wave starting “at lightning speed” according to Gabriel Attal. According to the professor, “France maintains the distance between the increase in new cases and the increase in hospital admissions”.
Covid : interférons, anticorps monoclonaux... Quels sont les traitements plébiscités par Véran ?Covid : interférons, anticorps monoclonaux... Quels sont les traitements plébiscités par Véran ?Covid : interférons, anticorps monoclonaux... Quels sont les traitements plébiscités par Véran ?Covid : interférons, anticorps monoclonaux... Quels sont les traitements plébiscités par Véran ?

Covid – AstraZeneca: conclusive results for their antibody therapy under rolling review

This Thursday November 18, 2021, AstraZeneca laboratory revealed successful clinical trials for their antibody-based Covid therapy. This therapy is said to cut risks of developing severe disease by 67%. Here is more on the matter!
Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?

Covid: “The fifth wave has been probably around since mid-October”, according to J-F Delfraissy

Interview by France Inter this Wednesday October 17, the Head of the Scientific Committee considers the “fifth wave has been probably around since mid-October”.
Covid : et si le traitement de la maladie se trouvait dans nos gènes ?Covid : et si le traitement de la maladie se trouvait dans nos gènes ?Covid : et si le traitement de la maladie se trouvait dans nos gènes ?Covid : et si le traitement de la maladie se trouvait dans nos gènes ?

Covid: what if the cure to the disease was in our genes?

And what if the cure to Covid was in our genes? This is the bet made by professor Jean-Claude Casanova from the Necker hospital in Paris and his team of international scientists. The idea: finding the gene or genes enabling to fight against the disease.
Le vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The Lancet

Covid: Valneva's vaccine already pre-ordered by the European Union

The European Union announced they have already pre-ordered doses of French Austrian Valneva's Covid vaccine, currently under rolling review by the European Medicines Agency. The vaccine has delivered "positive topline results" this past October.
Vaccination : près de 98% des habitants adultes de Paris déjà vaccinés, un record nationalVaccination : près de 98% des habitants adultes de Paris déjà vaccinés, un record nationalVaccination : près de 98% des habitants adultes de Paris déjà vaccinés, un record nationalVaccination : près de 98% des habitants adultes de Paris déjà vaccinés, un record national

Covid: the French government confirms Moderna’s vaccine is halted for people under 30

France follows Sweden and no longer recommends to use Moderna’s vaccine in people under 30, following a report from the Haute Autorité de Santé. And for good reason, an increase risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. The French government followed the health authorities’ recommendation and now halts the use of the vaccine for the youngest.
Covid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolairesCovid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolairesCovid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolairesCovid : les autotests bientôt distribués dans les établissements scolaires

Covid: self-tests under medical supervision valid again for the health pass

While the government announced self-tests were no longer valid to get a health pass past October 15, the Council of State has invalidated this decision and acknowledges again the validity of self-tests under medical supervision to get a health pass.