Scientific advisory board - activities

Covid : un nouveau variant détecté dans le sud de la FranceCovid : un nouveau variant détecté dans le sud de la FranceCovid : un nouveau variant détecté dans le sud de la FranceCovid : un nouveau variant détecté dans le sud de la France

Covid: could there be a new wave in the autumn?

In an article published in Le Parisien, Brigitte Autran, President of the Comité de veille et d'anticipation des risques sanitaires (Health Risk Watch and Anticipation Committee), which acts in place of the Scientific Advisory Board, assures us that a new wave of Covids can be expected this autumn.
Coronavirus - variant Omicron, ce qu'il faut savoir : les dernières actualitésCoronavirus - variant Omicron, ce qu'il faut savoir : les dernières actualitésCoronavirus - variant Omicron, ce qu'il faut savoir : les dernières actualitésCoronavirus - variant Omicron, ce qu'il faut savoir : les dernières actualités

Covid: health emergency to stop on July 31, 2022

France has been in health emergency since March 24, 2020, because of the Covid-19 epidemic; The situation is about to come to a close: the health emergency is to end on July 31, 2022.
Covid :Covid :Covid :Covid :

Omicron: “We are faced with a variant that is 50 to 80% less severe”

The Omicron variant could be a milestone in the evolution of the pandemic: although very contagious, it is said to be “50 to 80% less severe”, according to Scientific Committee member Pr. Yazdan Yazdanpanah.
Coronavirus : le pass vaccinal plutôt que le pass sanitaire contre la cinquième vague ? Coronavirus : le pass vaccinal plutôt que le pass sanitaire contre la cinquième vague ? Coronavirus : le pass vaccinal plutôt que le pass sanitaire contre la cinquième vague ? Coronavirus : le pass vaccinal plutôt que le pass sanitaire contre la cinquième vague ?

Covid: a fourth dose of vaccine? “It is a possibility”, Olivier Véran claims

At the end of the latest press brief held this December 27, 2021, Health Minister Olivier Véran claimed a fourth dose of Covid-19 vaccine was a “possibility” in France.
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Towards new restrictions in January? The latest recommendations of the Scientific Committee

The French government has decided to ignore recommendations from the Scientific Committee to enable the French to enjoy the Holidays. Are they taking the risk of aggravating the health situation forcing France to instate new restrictions from January?
Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?

Covid: “The fifth wave has been probably around since mid-October”, according to J-F Delfraissy

Interview by France Inter this Wednesday October 17, the Head of the Scientific Committee considers the “fifth wave has been probably around since mid-October”.
Pass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortirPass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortirPass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortirPass sanitaire : les deux préconisations du Conseil scientifique pour en sortir

Health Pass: the Scientific Committee's two recommendations to get out of the woods

As France is starting another months of restrictions because of the Covid-19 epidemic, the issue about keep the health pass in the long or medium run is on the executive's agenda. This Thursday October 7, 2021, the Scientific Committee addressed two different scenarios for a "quick and even immediate exit" or a "delayed exit" between November 15 and the end of the year. Keep reading to find out more.
Visuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinement

Coronavirus – Delta variant: a fourth wave as big as the previous ones?

As the Delta variant is spreading swiftly in France, a fourth coronavirus epidemic wave grows likelier. According to Arnaud Fontanet, it can be as big as the previous ones.
Visuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de Seine

Coronavirus – Delta variant: a 90% to 95% immunity required to control the epidemic

Because of the Delta variant, the threshold to reach herd immunity has been reviewed upwards. According to the Scientific Committee, reaching 90% to 95% of vaccinees or contaminated people is necessary to hope and control the epidemic.
Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?Covid : jusqu'à quand devrons-nous porter le masque en France ?

Covid: Pr. Delfraissy thinks the "4th wave will be much more moderate than the first three"

As France starts the last step of the lockdown exit process on June 30, Pr. Jean-François Delfraissy thinks "there will be a 4th wave" this fall "but more more moderate than the first 3". "Vaccines are working against the delta variant, if two injections have been given. Hence the message: you need to get vaccinated, and get both injections by Fall", the Head of the Scientific Committee insisted on this Wednesday morning on France Inter.
Vaccin : les pays de l’UE seront livrés comme prévu au premier trimestre, assure PfizerVaccin : les pays de l’UE seront livrés comme prévu au premier trimestre, assure PfizerVaccin : les pays de l’UE seront livrés comme prévu au premier trimestre, assure PfizerVaccin : les pays de l’UE seront livrés comme prévu au premier trimestre, assure Pfizer

Covid: is an epidemic surge from this Fall to be feared in France?

Invited on RTL this June 8, Head of the Scientific Committee Jean-François Delfraissy thinks "a fourth wave is likely this Fall", adding it will "be different from the others thanks to vaccination".
Covid : Le variant indien détecté dans "au moins 17 pays" d'après l’OMSCovid : Le variant indien détecté dans "au moins 17 pays" d'après l’OMSCovid : Le variant indien détecté dans "au moins 17 pays" d'après l’OMSCovid : Le variant indien détecté dans "au moins 17 pays" d'après l’OMS

Covid: the Scientific Committee delivers a new report about the Indian variant

The Scientific Committee recently issued a new report about the Indian variant. The Council reports the latter is more easily transmissible but vaccines remain effective.
Visuel Paris Jardin Tino Rossi ParisVisuel Paris Jardin Tino Rossi ParisVisuel Paris Jardin Tino Rossi ParisVisuel Paris Jardin Tino Rossi Paris

Covid: a quiet summer if there are under 5000 cases before mid-June, Pr. Fontanet thinks

Epidemiologist and Scientific Council Member Arnaud Fontanet thinks the French might have a “quiet summer” if the contamination toll drops below 5,000 cases per day before June 15, 2021.
Covid : un déconfinement "beaucoup trop tôt" selon l'épidémiologiste Catherine HillCovid : un déconfinement "beaucoup trop tôt" selon l'épidémiologiste Catherine HillCovid : un déconfinement "beaucoup trop tôt" selon l'épidémiologiste Catherine HillCovid : un déconfinement "beaucoup trop tôt" selon l'épidémiologiste Catherine Hill

Covid: lockdown exit is “way too soon”, epidemiologist Catherine Hill thinks

Despite a very slight decline in Covid infections, and while the government is pursuing their goal to lift lockdown by mid-May, epidemiologist and biostatistician Catherine Hill explained in an interview with L’Express it was way too soon for such measures, or be subject to an epidemic outbreak.
Covid: le Conseil scientifique craint "un risque d’extension du variant brésilien" cet été en FranceCovid: le Conseil scientifique craint "un risque d’extension du variant brésilien" cet été en FranceCovid: le Conseil scientifique craint "un risque d’extension du variant brésilien" cet été en FranceCovid: le Conseil scientifique craint "un risque d’extension du variant brésilien" cet été en France

Covid: the Scientific Committee fears “the Brazilian variant might increase” in France this summer

With each passing day, the Brazilian variant makes experts and authorities more and more worried. In their latest report released this April 18, 2021, the French Scientific Committee states “the Brazilian variant might increase in the summer 2021” in France.
Visuel Paris Parc MonceauVisuel Paris Parc MonceauVisuel Paris Parc MonceauVisuel Paris Parc Monceau

Covid: should restrictions be extended to less-impacted departments?

As the government made “new massive curbing measures” in 16 departments, should restrictions be extended to less-impacted departments? This is what epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet invited on BFMTV this March 23 thinks.
Covid : le confinement, une mesure restrictive devenue désormais obsolète ?Covid : le confinement, une mesure restrictive devenue désormais obsolète ?Covid : le confinement, une mesure restrictive devenue désormais obsolète ?Covid : le confinement, une mesure restrictive devenue désormais obsolète ?

Covid: is lockdown a restriction that grew obsolete?

As the Covid-19 and its latest mutation epidemic continues to spread all over the world, especially in France, where measures are to be made harder, Scientific Committee member Franck Chauvin considers the notion of a “lockdown” is no longer legitimate in the health dialect to fight against the spread of the virus.
Vaccin contre le coronavirus : 30 millions de personnes seront prioritaires selon le Conseil scientifiqueVaccin contre le coronavirus : 30 millions de personnes seront prioritaires selon le Conseil scientifiqueVaccin contre le coronavirus : 30 millions de personnes seront prioritaires selon le Conseil scientifiqueVaccin contre le coronavirus : 30 millions de personnes seront prioritaires selon le Conseil scientifique

Covid vaccine: new diseases added to the list of people given priority for vaccination

Who should be prioritized for Covid-19 vaccines? A question the Haute Autorité de Santé is expected to officially answer to this Monday November 30, along with guidelines as for France’s vaccine strategy. The list of people given priority is extended as vaccines arrive, including - starting Wednesday March 3, 2021 - people suffering from mental disorders, among others. Keep reading to find out more!
Covid : "12% des Français" infectés depuis le début de la pandémie selon Arnaud FontanetCovid : "12% des Français" infectés depuis le début de la pandémie selon Arnaud FontanetCovid : "12% des Français" infectés depuis le début de la pandémie selon Arnaud FontanetCovid : "12% des Français" infectés depuis le début de la pandémie selon Arnaud Fontanet

Covid: “12% of the French” infected since the pandemic broke out, Pr. Arnaud Fontanet says

This Monday January 4, 2021, epidemiologist doctor and Scientific Committee member assessed the state of the pandemic of Covid-19 in France. He says the spread cannot slow down as long as 67% of the population is not vaccinated. He says cultural facilities shall remain closed as long as the hospitalization toll does not decrease.
Coronavirus : est-il trop tard pour se faire tester pour Noël ? Coronavirus : est-il trop tard pour se faire tester pour Noël ? Coronavirus : est-il trop tard pour se faire tester pour Noël ? Coronavirus : est-il trop tard pour se faire tester pour Noël ?

Coronavirus: after Christmas, should you get tested for NYE?

With three days to go before New Year's Eve, should you get tested before reuniting with your family? Is it already too late? The Scientific Committee handed its verdict and great: it is not too late. On the contrary!