Seguin island - activities

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La Pointe des Arts, a cultural complex with contemporary art center and cinema on Île Seguin

Over the past few years, the Île Seguin has been adorned with the Seine Musicale, but its transformation is not yet complete. Between now and 2025, a contemporary art center, cinema and shops will also be built on the island.
Issy - parc de l'île Saint Germain et Tour aux figures Issy - parc de l'île Saint Germain et Tour aux figures Issy - parc de l'île Saint Germain et Tour aux figures Issy - parc de l'île Saint Germain et Tour aux figures

A day in the open air in Issy: walk on the islands and visit of the Tour aux Figures

Looking for a free family outing? We have just what you need. Go to the West of Paris, towards the Issy Val de Seine train station for a few kilometers walk between the islands of the city, the time to see the last colors of autumn.