Third wave - activities

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Coronavirus – Delta variant: a fourth wave as big as the previous ones?

As the Delta variant is spreading swiftly in France, a fourth coronavirus epidemic wave grows likelier. According to Arnaud Fontanet, it can be as big as the previous ones.
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93% of French departments below the alert threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants

As the vaccination campaign in France advances, the fight against the coronavirus epidemic continues. As of Wednesday June 16, 2021, there are 93 départements with an incidence rate of less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Here are the areas where the virus circulates least in France.
Visuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de Seine

Coronavirus: restrictions to be eased to people vaccinated in France?

As the coronavirus epidemic keeps on spreading in France, the vaccination campaign opens more and more. As a Health Pass is to be instated from June 9, should restrictions be eased to French people vaccinated?
Visuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit PalaisVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit PalaisVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit PalaisVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit Palais

Reopening calendar: Macron to speak this Friday to the regional press

When will the French President speak about the lockdown exit? According to Prime Minister Jean Castex, Emmanuel Macron is to speak this Friday April 30, 2021. According to AFP, the Head of State is to reveal the lockdown exit strategy in an interview released this Friday morning in the regional daily press.
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Covid: “This could be the peak” of the third wave, Gabriel Attal thinks

After the ministerial council held this Wednesday April 21, 2021, government spokesman Gabriel Attal revealed many news to the press. Among them, the idea the third Covid-19 contamination wave is eventually peaking in France. Therefore, it is expected the decline of this wave be faster than the increase.
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Coronavirus: France reports over 100,000 dead

It has been over a year since the coronavirus epidemic broke out in France. This Thursday April 15, 2021 marks a dire milestone: the country exceeded the threshold of 100,000 dead.
Covid : l'OMS confirme la recrudescence des contaminations dans le mondeCovid : l'OMS confirme la recrudescence des contaminations dans le mondeCovid : l'OMS confirme la recrudescence des contaminations dans le mondeCovid : l'OMS confirme la recrudescence des contaminations dans le monde

Covid: towards the inversion of the curve and the end of the third wave’s peak in France?

Is the contamination curve inversing? Has the third epidemic wave peaked in France already? This is what some experts think, noticing a decrease in new contamination cases and the incidence rate in French departments complying with “massive curbing measures” for three weeks already. Keep reading to find out more.
Coronavirus : En France, la rémunération des gardes des internes dans les hôpitaux augmente de 25%Coronavirus : En France, la rémunération des gardes des internes dans les hôpitaux augmente de 25%Coronavirus : En France, la rémunération des gardes des internes dans les hôpitaux augmente de 25%Coronavirus : En France, la rémunération des gardes des internes dans les hôpitaux augmente de 25%

Covid: the second wave’s peak almost reached with circa 4,900 patients in ICU

The hospitals’ health situation grows worrying by the day. As of Sunday March 28 evening, 4,872 Covid-19 sick were hospitalized in intensive care units; a data all the more so worrying it is now verging on the peak of the second wave reached this past Fall.
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Coronavirus: 13 new departments under enhanced surveillance

To stem the spread of Covid in France, the government appears to be opting for local reconfinements. As of this Thursday, March 25, 2021, 13 new départements are now under reinforced surveillance, while 19 are concerned by local containment.
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Lockdown in Paris and Ile-de-France: trips still possible

Starting Saturday March 20, 2021, the 8 Ile-de-France departments – Paris included – are placed in 24/7 lockdown for at least 4 weeks. A measure instated to try and curb a third coronavirus epidemic wave. What are the derogatory motives? Take a stock on trips still possible.
Visuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'Elysée

Covid: "Additional measures will be made" in Île-de-France, Attal confirms

This Wednesday March 17, 2021 government spokesman Gabriel Attal shares his report following governmental meetings. Given the "degrading epidemic situation", he confirmed that "additional measures will be made statring this weekend", in Île-de-France, and Hauts-de-France. President Macron has to choose between strict 24/7 lockdown and weekend lockdown. As for the final decision, he says to wait for "tomorrow's press briefing".
Visuel Paris terrasse Galeries LafayetteVisuel Paris terrasse Galeries LafayetteVisuel Paris terrasse Galeries LafayetteVisuel Paris terrasse Galeries Lafayette

Macron allows himself "8 to 10 days" before easing off restrictions or not past the Winter break

As many people fear a 3rd lockdon in the coming days or weeks, FranceInfo said earlier this week the government is not considering additional restrictions by the end of the Winter break. Moreover, Emmanuel Macron is said to have stated during a video-conference with parliamentarians that he allows himself "8 to 10 days" before making new decisions. These decisions are to be related to measures likely to be implemented from early March 2021.
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Jean Castex’s press briefing: no lockdown at this stage

Prime Minister Jean Castex held a press briefing this Thursday February 4, 2021 to address the health crisis in France. According to the government, the current situation does not justify another lockdown to face the coronavirus epidemic.
Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel

Covid and lockdown: when will the next measures be announced by the government?

France is heading towards a third lockdown... But when will it start? Jean Castex delivered a speech on Friday January at the end of the emergency Defense Council to present new measures. After the announcement of these restrictions, the matter of a new lockdown remains.
Covid : Macron organise une réunion sur la campagne de vaccination à l'Élysée Covid : Macron organise une réunion sur la campagne de vaccination à l'Élysée Covid : Macron organise une réunion sur la campagne de vaccination à l'Élysée Covid : Macron organise une réunion sur la campagne de vaccination à l'Élysée

Coronavirus: lockdown, UK variant and curfew, a critical week in France

In the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, January 25th's week is about to be critical in France: as the first conclusions on the effectiveness of curfew from 6 p.m. are to be known, France is heading towards another lockdown, likely to be instated on Wednesday.
Visuel Paris vide confinement Palais RoyalVisuel Paris vide confinement Palais RoyalVisuel Paris vide confinement Palais RoyalVisuel Paris vide confinement Palais Royal

Could Covid variants force us to self-isolate again?

Will France have to self-isolate again to curb the spread of Covid-19 variants? Virus mutations are worrying, because they are more contagious and spread quicker across the country.
Visuel Paris Seine Quai Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Seine Quai Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Seine Quai Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Seine Quai Tour Eiffel

Coronavirus: what is the strategy for the third wave in Paris?

As Parisians are celebrating the Holidays, a third wave of the coronavirus epidemic is said to break from January 2021 out. In Paris, what is the strategy to curb the spread of Covid-19?
Coronavirus Europe : 12,5 millions de doses du vaccin Pfizer / BioNTech d'ici la fin de l'annéeCoronavirus Europe : 12,5 millions de doses du vaccin Pfizer / BioNTech d'ici la fin de l'annéeCoronavirus Europe : 12,5 millions de doses du vaccin Pfizer / BioNTech d'ici la fin de l'annéeCoronavirus Europe : 12,5 millions de doses du vaccin Pfizer / BioNTech d'ici la fin de l'année

Coronavirus in Europe: 12.5 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to be delivered by the end of the year

The European Union vaccine campaign is set to start from December 27th. By the end of the year, the European Union is said to get 12.5 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
Port du masque en entreprise : des dérogations possibles dans certains secteursPort du masque en entreprise : des dérogations possibles dans certains secteursPort du masque en entreprise : des dérogations possibles dans certains secteursPort du masque en entreprise : des dérogations possibles dans certains secteurs

Covid: “The first three months of 2021 will be arduous” Pr. Fontanet warns

As the French are preparing to celebrate the Holidays with their families, the beginning of 2021 will be grueling, Institut Pasteur Professor Fontanet says. “The first three months of 2021 will be arduous because winter will be in full swing without feeling, on the collective level, the benefits expected from vaccine” the epidemiologist said on December 20 in Journal du Dimanche.
Covid : une reprise épidémique probable après le 10 janvier prévient Jean-François DelfraissyCovid : une reprise épidémique probable après le 10 janvier prévient Jean-François DelfraissyCovid : une reprise épidémique probable après le 10 janvier prévient Jean-François DelfraissyCovid : une reprise épidémique probable après le 10 janvier prévient Jean-François Delfraissy

Covid: the epidemic likely to begin again past January 10, Jean-François Delfraissy warns

President of the Scientific Committee in France assures the beginning of 2021 remains extremely dangerous because of the aggressive spread of Covid-19 over the course of winter. A resurgence is to be expected from mid-January, the immunologist says, according to whom one shall not wait immediate effect from vaccine.