Vaccine - activities

Covid : le vaccin réduit les risques de transmission du virus de 50% au sein d'un foyerCovid : le vaccin réduit les risques de transmission du virus de 50% au sein d'un foyerCovid : le vaccin réduit les risques de transmission du virus de 50% au sein d'un foyerCovid : le vaccin réduit les risques de transmission du virus de 50% au sein d'un foyer

Covid: the vaccine to cut by 50% risk of transmitting the virus within a household

A British study shows the vaccine cut by half risk of passing Covid-19 within a household, from the first dose.
Coronavirus : des symptômes persistants chez certains maladesCoronavirus : des symptômes persistants chez certains maladesCoronavirus : des symptômes persistants chez certains maladesCoronavirus : des symptômes persistants chez certains malades

Covid: why can people vaccinated even so catch the virus?

Covid-19 vaccines are a crucial asset amid the fight against the pandemic, and so far, our best ally to make things return to normal as soon as possible. Yet, these vaccines are not magic: they do not totally prevent people immunized from falling sick and do not eradicate the virus either.
Vaccin Covid, combien de temps nous immunise-t-il ? Une étude française recherche des volontairesVaccin Covid, combien de temps nous immunise-t-il ? Une étude française recherche des volontairesVaccin Covid, combien de temps nous immunise-t-il ? Une étude française recherche des volontairesVaccin Covid, combien de temps nous immunise-t-il ? Une étude française recherche des volontaires

Covid vaccine, how long does it immunize for? A French study looks for volunteers

How long does vaccine protect us from coronavirus for? To answer this question as accurately as possible, a national study is led in France in 35 medical centers. The latter wishes to recruit 10,500 volunteers for this investigation that is a world first.
Covid : le variant britannique pourrait être plus mortel, selon Boris JohnsonCovid : le variant britannique pourrait être plus mortel, selon Boris JohnsonCovid : le variant britannique pourrait être plus mortel, selon Boris JohnsonCovid : le variant britannique pourrait être plus mortel, selon Boris Johnson

Covid: UK, Brazilian, Indian variants… Take a stock on the situation

Now predominating in France, Covid-19 variants are strongly concerning all local and international health authorities. UK, Brazilian, South African, Japanese, variants seem to develop everywhere, in different forms. Dangers, vaccination, specificities, take a stock on all the virus strains circulating in France.
Covid : le vaccin de Moderna bientôt produit en FranceCovid : le vaccin de Moderna bientôt produit en FranceCovid : le vaccin de Moderna bientôt produit en FranceCovid : le vaccin de Moderna bientôt produit en France

Covid: universal vaccine to deliver encouraging primary results

And what if there was a universal vaccine working against all variants soon to be available? After an ongoing study at the University of California on this very matter, searchers from the University of Virgina in the United States share their results. And they seem promising.
Covid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-UnisCovid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-UnisCovid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-UnisCovid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-Unis

Johnson & Johnson vaccine to be given starting late April in France

During the press brief held this Thursday April 22, Health Minister Olivier Véran announced the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will start to be given starting this Saturday April 24 in pharmacies. The vaccine arrives after being assessed safe on Tuesday April 20 by the European Medicines Agency.
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

Covid vaccine: answers to questions you may have

As Covid vaccination is growing in France, many of you are wondering about the vaccines and how such an action is useful to curb the spread of the virus. Questions the editorial board tries to answer to.
Covid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDA

Pfizer vaccine: booster shots likely to be needed, the laboratory warns

Because of Covid-19 variants and to guarantee longer immunity to people vaccinated with the Pfizer solution, the laboratory CEO warned that booster shots were likely to be needed by six to twelve months, then followed by one shot every year.
Covid : vers une anonymisation des doses de vaccins en France ?Covid : vers une anonymisation des doses de vaccins en France ?Covid : vers une anonymisation des doses de vaccins en France ?Covid : vers une anonymisation des doses de vaccins en France ?

Covid: vaccine doses to be anonymized in France?

As more and more French distrust some Covid vaccines, Europe 1 radio station reports the Health Minister is considering anonymizing doses and therefore no longer tell the name of the vaccine given to the person during the appointment.
Covid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca réduirait la transmission du virus selon une étudeCovid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca réduirait la transmission du virus selon une étudeCovid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca réduirait la transmission du virus selon une étudeCovid : le vaccin d'AstraZeneca réduirait la transmission du virus selon une étude

Johnson & Johnson vaccine still halted by the FDA in the USA

This Thursday April 15, 2021, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has announced the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was still halted - as decided two days ago - for another week in the USA after suspicious cases of thrombosis in vaccinated people have been reported. Yet, the vaccine enjoyed emergency use approval by the regulator this past February 27.
Sida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai cliniqueSida : un vaccin contre le VIH en première phase d'essai clinique

AIDS: several HIV vaccines currently studied

A new step in the fight against AIDS… After researchers from the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI) announced they are launching a clinical trial this past February 25, American research institute Scripps and the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative announced, this Sunday April 11, a major breakthrough in their works: they managed to launch the process to make the body creates anibodies able to neutralize a large range of viral strains, HIV included.
Covid : Pfizer annonce que son vaccin est efficace contre les variants britanniques et sudafricainsCovid : Pfizer annonce que son vaccin est efficace contre les variants britanniques et sudafricainsCovid : Pfizer annonce que son vaccin est efficace contre les variants britanniques et sudafricainsCovid : Pfizer annonce que son vaccin est efficace contre les variants britanniques et sudafricains

Covid: Pfizer vaccine less effective against the South African variant, a study finds

Pfizer covid vaccine is said to be less effective against the South African variant... This is at least what an Israeli study found on the matter, stating this strain is likely to "break through" the vaccine. The study shifts focus of the results from the previous study carried out by the American laboratory, explaining their vaccine was working for at least six months against all variants, and especially the South African strain.
Vaccination : "On a eu tort de manquer d'ambition, de folie" en Europe, estime MacronVaccination : "On a eu tort de manquer d'ambition, de folie" en Europe, estime MacronVaccination : "On a eu tort de manquer d'ambition, de folie" en Europe, estime MacronVaccination : "On a eu tort de manquer d'ambition, de folie" en Europe, estime Macron

Covid: the time period between Pfizer and Moderna vaccine doses will be extended to 42 days

Olivier Véran announced in an interview with Journal du Dimanche that the time period between the two doses of vaccine will be extended to 42 days for patients given the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine.
Nouvelles restrictions : pas de "confinement" selon Macron, mais des simples "mesures de freinage"Nouvelles restrictions : pas de "confinement" selon Macron, mais des simples "mesures de freinage"Nouvelles restrictions : pas de "confinement" selon Macron, mais des simples "mesures de freinage"Nouvelles restrictions : pas de "confinement" selon Macron, mais des simples "mesures de freinage"

Covid: according to Emmanuel Macron “AstraZeneca vaccine is recommended and must be used”

“AstraZeneca vaccine is recommended and must be used in compliance with the age recommendations”, Emmanuel Macron stated this Friday April 9, 2021 when visiting Saint-Remy-sur-Avre.
Vaccins contre la Covid : voici la liste des effets secondaires recensés en FranceVaccins contre la Covid : voici la liste des effets secondaires recensés en FranceVaccins contre la Covid : voici la liste des effets secondaires recensés en FranceVaccins contre la Covid : voici la liste des effets secondaires recensés en France

Compulsory vaccinations are “necessary in a democratic society”, ECHR states

Compulsory vaccinations are “necessary in a democratic society”, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) states. The latter had been referred in the Czech Republic by families whose children were denied by nursery schools because they were not vaccinated.
Covid : faut-il aussi vacciner les enfants ? Alain Fischer envisage cette possibilité Covid : faut-il aussi vacciner les enfants ? Alain Fischer envisage cette possibilité Covid : faut-il aussi vacciner les enfants ? Alain Fischer envisage cette possibilité Covid : faut-il aussi vacciner les enfants ? Alain Fischer envisage cette possibilité

Vaccinating children: the key to reach herd immunity against Covid-19?

At the beginning of the vaccination campaign in France, Alain Fischer told Le Parisien that “perhaps we shall vaccinate children someday” because of coronavirus variants. As for Health Minister Olivier Véran, he said it was not on the agenda for now. In April 2021, vaccinating children is back on the table.
Visuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinementVisuel Paris vide confinement

Covid: what we know and still don’t know about the virus, one year on

Where does it come from, how did it contaminate the entire planet in a matter of months, how to get rid of this? The Covid-19 raised many questions and some of them remain answerless. What do we know about the virus that changed our lives in less than a year? Keep reading to find out more.
Covid : le vaccin de Moderna bientôt produit en FranceCovid : le vaccin de Moderna bientôt produit en FranceCovid : le vaccin de Moderna bientôt produit en FranceCovid : le vaccin de Moderna bientôt produit en France

Covid: Are the French giving Moderna vaccine the cold shoulder?

As the Covid vaccination campaign is growing in France, more and more French seem to be giving Moderna vaccine the cold shoulder yet said to be effective and statistically safer than other rivals’ products. For what reason? Keep reading to find out more.
Paris : 15 000 doses de vaccin supplémentaires en mars, annonce le préfet de police LallementParis : 15 000 doses de vaccin supplémentaires en mars, annonce le préfet de police LallementParis : 15 000 doses de vaccin supplémentaires en mars, annonce le préfet de police LallementParis : 15 000 doses de vaccin supplémentaires en mars, annonce le préfet de police Lallement

Covid: the French Medicines Agency releases latest data about vaccine side effects

As the vaccination campaign is expected to increase even more in France over the coming weeks, the ANSM – the National Medicines Agency – has unveiled the conclusions of their latest investigation on side effects noticed following Covid-19 vaccination. Keep reading to find out more.
Covid : le vaccin russe Spoutnik V bientôt produit plus intensivement à l'étrangerCovid : le vaccin russe Spoutnik V bientôt produit plus intensivement à l'étrangerCovid : le vaccin russe Spoutnik V bientôt produit plus intensivement à l'étrangerCovid : le vaccin russe Spoutnik V bientôt produit plus intensivement à l'étranger

Covid: all the vaccination hubs to open soon in Paris and Île-de-France

Vaccination hubs, mega vaccination centers, XXL vaccination centers… You name it, but they are about to crop up all over the place in the coming weeks in France to improve the pace of the vaccination campaign. Here are all the vaccination hubs already open or about to do so in Paris and Île-de-France.