Vaccine - activities

Coronavirus : le vaccin russe "opérationnel à 100%" et en circulation dès janvier 2021Coronavirus : le vaccin russe "opérationnel à 100%" et en circulation dès janvier 2021Coronavirus : le vaccin russe "opérationnel à 100%" et en circulation dès janvier 2021Coronavirus : le vaccin russe "opérationnel à 100%" et en circulation dès janvier 2021

Covid: vaccines causing slight but too many adverse effects

As the first Covid vaccines have been inoculated, several adverse effects noticed in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been reported after injection in many patients. Slight effects, such as headaches, fatigue, fever, or rashes, detailed in clinical trial reports, but much more frequent than for other vaccines. Here is more on the matter.
Coronavirus : 8 vaccins en dernière ligne droite sur les 167 en coursCoronavirus : 8 vaccins en dernière ligne droite sur les 167 en coursCoronavirus : 8 vaccins en dernière ligne droite sur les 167 en coursCoronavirus : 8 vaccins en dernière ligne droite sur les 167 en cours

Coronavirus: vaccine and immunity, how does it work?

At the dawn of the launch of the vaccine campaign in France, there are still many questions about the life span of immunity get thanks to vaccine that remain answerless. Here is what we know so far.
Coronavirus : Johnson & Johnson suspend les essais de son vaccin en raison d'un patient maladeCoronavirus : Johnson & Johnson suspend les essais de son vaccin en raison d'un patient maladeCoronavirus : Johnson & Johnson suspend les essais de son vaccin en raison d'un patient maladeCoronavirus : Johnson & Johnson suspend les essais de son vaccin en raison d'un patient malade

Covid vaccine: Moderna approved in the USA, still waiting to be approved in the EU

Pharmaceutical group Moderna Therapeutics has announced they applied for EU and US approval after confirming their covid vaccine is effective. This Friday December 18, 2020, the FDA has approved the vaccine the day after a committee of American experts delivered a positive endorsement.
Coronavirus : Johnson & Johnson suspend les essais de son vaccin en raison d'un patient maladeCoronavirus : Johnson & Johnson suspend les essais de son vaccin en raison d'un patient maladeCoronavirus : Johnson & Johnson suspend les essais de son vaccin en raison d'un patient maladeCoronavirus : Johnson & Johnson suspend les essais de son vaccin en raison d'un patient malade

Covid: Nanocovax, the Vietnamese vaccine to start human testing

As many Covid vaccines are already being issued, Vietnam is just starting human testing his product developed by laboratory Nanogen, Nanocovax.
Covid en Europe : les campagnes de vaccination débuteront toutes le même jourCovid en Europe : les campagnes de vaccination débuteront toutes le même jourCovid en Europe : les campagnes de vaccination débuteront toutes le même jourCovid en Europe : les campagnes de vaccination débuteront toutes le même jour

Covid in Europe: vaccination campaigns to all start on December 27

Covid vaccine soon to be made available in Europe… This Wednesday December 16, President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen announced the 27 will be able to “start on the same day” their vaccination scheme once the European Medicines Agency has given the green light – on September 23, 2020 at the latest. A date has even been alluded to by German Health Minister: December 27. It has been confirmed by the President of the European Commission.
Coronavirus : le point sur les reconfinements et restrictions en EuropeCoronavirus : le point sur les reconfinements et restrictions en EuropeCoronavirus : le point sur les reconfinements et restrictions en EuropeCoronavirus : le point sur les reconfinements et restrictions en Europe

Covid vaccine: Europe is not late, Alain Fischer says

As some countries such as Canada, the United States of America and the United Kingdom have already initiated their Covid-19 vaccine campaign, what about Europe? Is the Old Continent late? According to Alain Fischer – head of the vaccine strategy board – this is not the case. Here is more on the matter!
Covid-19 : Boulogne-Billancourt et Sceaux rendent obligatoire le port du masque dans toutes les ruesCovid-19 : Boulogne-Billancourt et Sceaux rendent obligatoire le port du masque dans toutes les ruesCovid-19 : Boulogne-Billancourt et Sceaux rendent obligatoire le port du masque dans toutes les ruesCovid-19 : Boulogne-Billancourt et Sceaux rendent obligatoire le port du masque dans toutes les rues

Covid: let’s stay “extremely careful three to six more months” Pr. Delfraissy insists on

When will the coronavirus crisis be behind us? A question many French people are wondering. According to the president of the Health Committee, Jean-François Delfraissy, they will have to stay “extremely careful three to six more months”.
Visuel Paris vue du hautVisuel Paris vue du hautVisuel Paris vue du hautVisuel Paris vue du haut

Covid: things might go back to “normal in the Fall 2021” Pr. Arnaud Fontanet states

When will life get back to normal in France? This is a question many French are asking as the coronavirus crisis has been hitting Europe in the beginning of 2020. On BFMTV, professor Arnaud Fontanet from the Institut Pasteur said life could go back to normal “in the Fall 2021” but only if “80-90% of the French” get vaccinated.
Coronavirus : pour tester son vaccin, le Royaume-Uni fait appel à des cobayesCoronavirus : pour tester son vaccin, le Royaume-Uni fait appel à des cobayesCoronavirus : pour tester son vaccin, le Royaume-Uni fait appel à des cobayesCoronavirus : pour tester son vaccin, le Royaume-Uni fait appel à des cobayes

Covid: how are vaccines controlled once issued in France?

Covid-19 vaccines will be available in France from January. But, will they be controlled once they are approved and issued? Yes, coronavirus vaccines will be controlled by several agencies for years and results will be released weekly by the government. It will be even possible to report a side effect related to the Covid-19 vaccine yourself. Keep reading to find out more!
Visuel Paris Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysées nuitVisuel Paris Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysées nuitVisuel Paris Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysées nuitVisuel Paris Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysées nuit

Coronavirus: third wave, curfew… how would the post-lockdown process look like?

As France is back into nationwide lockdown until December 15, 2020, some people are already wondering about the post-lockdown process. What are the leads considered? How would the Holidays occur in France? Could lockdown be extended beyond December 15? We try to give you as many answers as we can.
Vaccin Pfizer : un niveau inquiétant d'effets indésirables selon le professeur CaumesVaccin Pfizer : un niveau inquiétant d'effets indésirables selon le professeur CaumesVaccin Pfizer : un niveau inquiétant d'effets indésirables selon le professeur CaumesVaccin Pfizer : un niveau inquiétant d'effets indésirables selon le professeur Caumes

Pfizer vaccine: a worrying level of adverse effects, Professor Caumes says

La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital epidemiologic unit head Professor Eric Caumes thinks the level of Pfizer vaccine adverse effects is too high.
Covid-19 : En Europe les premières vaccinations pourraient avoir lieu "au premier trimestre 2021"Covid-19 : En Europe les premières vaccinations pourraient avoir lieu "au premier trimestre 2021"Covid-19 : En Europe les premières vaccinations pourraient avoir lieu "au premier trimestre 2021"Covid-19 : En Europe les premières vaccinations pourraient avoir lieu "au premier trimestre 2021"

Covid vaccine: cyberattack on the European Medicines Agency

Documents related to Pfizer Covid vaccine have been hacked this Wednesday December 9 during a cyberattack on the European Medicines Agency. Pfizer and BioNTech have guaranteed their system has not been hacked.
Pfizer et BioNtech préparent des vaccins en poudre pour palier la contrainte du froidPfizer et BioNtech préparent des vaccins en poudre pour palier la contrainte du froidPfizer et BioNtech préparent des vaccins en poudre pour palier la contrainte du froidPfizer et BioNtech préparent des vaccins en poudre pour palier la contrainte du froid

Covid vaccine: first allergic reactions noticed in the United-Kingdom

As the Covid vaccine campaign has recently begun in the United-Kingdom, the authorities have had to warn after two caregivers, barely vaccinated, have shown a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine. Two people with severe allergic reaction history.
Coronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageantsCoronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageantsCoronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageantsCoronavirus : le vaccin d'Ose Immunotherapeutics donnent des résultats encourageants

Covid vaccine: what is a messenger RNA?

As Covid vaccine has started to be injected to some people in the world in several countries, many people are wondering what this new technology developed for these products is about, a messenger RNA. Keep reading to find out more!
Le vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The LancetLe vaccin contre la Covid d'AstraZeneca "sûr et efficace" selon The Lancet

AstraZeneca Covid vaccine “safe and effective” The Lancet says

Is AstraZeneca covid vaccine safe and effective against the virus as well? This is what seem to say results from the analysis published in medical journal The Lancet. Results have been peer-reviewed and the vaccine is said to be about 70% effective.
Covid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDA

Covid: Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine to be safe and risk-free, the FDA says

Is Pfizer covid vaccine safe? This is what show the results from safety data on the product developed by the laboratory in partnership with BioNTech, and unveiled by the FDA – Food & Drug Administration.
Vaccin du covid : Alain Fischer veut "se donner le temps de l'évaluation"Vaccin du covid : Alain Fischer veut "se donner le temps de l'évaluation"Vaccin du covid : Alain Fischer veut "se donner le temps de l'évaluation"Vaccin du covid : Alain Fischer veut "se donner le temps de l'évaluation"

Covid vaccine in France: Alain Fischer to “take time to assess”

Coronavirus vaccine is expected in France from January 2021. In an interview with JDD, head of the vaccine strategy board meeting Alain Fischer returns on the keys of vaccination in France. He reminds it is necessary to “take time to assess”. He says, the worst could be the French saying “there we go, we have vaccines, everything is settled and let’s go”.
Covid-19 : un autre vaccin sur le point d'être annoncé selon  Anthony FauciCovid-19 : un autre vaccin sur le point d'être annoncé selon  Anthony FauciCovid-19 : un autre vaccin sur le point d'être annoncé selon  Anthony FauciCovid-19 : un autre vaccin sur le point d'être annoncé selon  Anthony Fauci

Covid-19 vaccine: The French government presents the country's vaccine strategy

What is the French government’s covid vaccine strategy? On the occasion of the presidential address this Tuesday November 24, Emmanuel Macron detailed the national vaccination campaign. As for the vaccine strategy in France, it has been detailed this Thursday November 3, 3020. The vaccine campaign will unfold in three steps; vaccine will be free of charge for all and in priority to health caregivers and vulnerable people in nursing homes.
Covid-19 : faut-il rendre le futur vaccin contre le Coronavirus obligatoire en France ? Covid-19 : faut-il rendre le futur vaccin contre le Coronavirus obligatoire en France ? Covid-19 : faut-il rendre le futur vaccin contre le Coronavirus obligatoire en France ? Covid-19 : faut-il rendre le futur vaccin contre le Coronavirus obligatoire en France ?

Covid: Vaccine will not be compulsory

During his November 24, 2020's address, Emmanuel Macron promises vaccination will not be compulsory in France. This December 3, during the weekly press brief, Olivier Véran also announced that "patients' free choice" will be "respected".
Coronavirus : déjà 20 000 volontaires pour tester les vaccins en France selon l'InsermCoronavirus : déjà 20 000 volontaires pour tester les vaccins en France selon l'InsermCoronavirus : déjà 20 000 volontaires pour tester les vaccins en France selon l'InsermCoronavirus : déjà 20 000 volontaires pour tester les vaccins en France selon l'Inserm

Covid vaccine: tests on volunteers to begin in France, the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research says

French people mindful of the Covid vaccine discovery… The INSERM or French National Institute for Health and Medical Research has announced that the vaccine is about to be tested on 41,000 volunteers that signed up from mid-December, after striking several deals with three pharmaceutical companies whose candidate vaccine passed their clinical trial phases.