The French Donuts

Category: Magasins > Pâtisserie

Pas de DONUTS surgelés, pas d'ingrédients bizarres (E...) additifs ou conservateurs. Juste de la farine de moulin, du beurre Aop, du sucre roux de canne, de la vanille bourbon de Madagascar et du lait entier.

Practical information

56 Rue la Bruyère
75009 Paris 9

Route planner

M° 2: Pigalle M°12: Trinité M°13: Liège

Opening hours
MON-FRI:10am SAM/DIM:10:30am


Current and upcoming events

The French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French DonutsThe French Donuts

The French Donuts, donut specialist in Paris

The French Donuts (formerly Humm... DOnuts) remains a must for American donut lovers. Their donuts, very round, very plump, change every month for the curious! And the place is also a cafe, where you can sit and drink a mocha, a chai latte or a milkshake in the 9th district of Paris.