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Category: Lieu Culturel > Expositions

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3 Avenue de Friedland
75008 Paris 8

Metro 1 George V or Metro 9 Saint-Philippe-du-Roule

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Exposition Nina Jayasuriya aux Beaux Arts de ParisExposition Nina Jayasuriya aux Beaux Arts de ParisExposition Nina Jayasuriya aux Beaux Arts de ParisExposition Nina Jayasuriya aux Beaux Arts de Paris

Free exhibition of Nina Jayasuriya, winner of the Prix Sisley Beaux-Arts, at Sisley in Paris

This year's Prix Sisley Beaux-Arts de Paris pour la Jeune Création honors Nina Jayasuriya, opening the doors of the Maison Sisley headquarters to her for the duration of a free exhibition from June 13 to July 12, 2024. Entitled "Chat noir, Chou Blanc" (Black Cat, White Cabbage), the installation reveals works that bring together the sacred and everyday objects.